
AngularJoint constraints can be created only if the soft body have clusters. They can be use to control the rotation of the soft body around a specific pair of axis. The axis can either be local or relative to another physic body. This type of soft constraint is usually used along with other constraints to achieve the desired movements.

To give a simple example where an angular joint might comes in handy would be the front wheels (a SoftBody) of a car. They are only allowed to revolve around their local X axis and can only turn on their local Z axis. Of course more complex setup can be created using a combination of joints to achieve virtually anything.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
softconstraint A reference to the SoftConstraint the current angular joint is attached to.
cfm The constraint force mix factor.
erp The constraint error reduction parameter.
split Controls the split impulse factor of the constraint.


Name Description
enabled Enable or disable the constraint solving.
axisA The first rotation axis the constraint will revolve around.
physicobjectB Connect an existing PhysicObject to the constraint.
axisB The second rotation axis (either local or relative) the constraint will be aligned with.
collision_between_bodies Enable or disable the collision between the physics bodies involved in the constraint.


Name Description
SetSettings Set the angular joint settings.

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