See Also
Specify the current matrix mode.
: Select to the active model multiply by view matrix.kProjectionMatrix
: Set the active matrix mode to projection.Flags that can be combined as parameters to the Gfx:Clear
: Clear the color buffer.fDepthBufferBit
: Clear the depth buffer (require depth test to be enabled).fStencilBufferBit
: Clear the stencil buffer (require stencil test to be enabled).kFront
: Cull front faces.kBack
: Cull back faces.kFrontAndBack
: Cull front and back faces.kClockwise
: Clockwise faces are considered front faces.kCounterClockwise
: Counterclockwise faces are considered front faces.Primitives drawing modes.
: Treats each vertex as a single point.kLines
: Treats each pair of vertices as an independent line segment.kLineLoop
: Draws a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to the last, then back to the first.kLineStrip
: Draws a connected group of line segments from the first vertex to the last.kTriangles
: Treats each triplet of vertices as an independent triangle.kTriangleStrip
: Draws a connected group of triangles. One triangle is defined for each vertex presented after the first two vertices.kTriangleFan
: Draws a connected group of triangles. One triangle is defined for each vertex presented after the first two vertices.Equations available for blending. The function exposed by the graphics API is the following: kAdd
, kSubtract
, kReverseSubtract
, kMin
and kMax
. For more information about each equation visit the OpenGL glBlendEquation help page.
The available blending factors are: kBlendZero
, kBlendOne
, kBlendSrcColor
, kBlendOneMinusSrcColor
, kBlendDstColor
, kBlendOneMinusDstColor
, kBlendSrcAlpha
, kBlendOneMinusSrcAlpha
, kBlendDstAlpha
, kBlendOneMinusDstAlpha
, kBlendConstantColor
, kBlendOneMinusConstantColor
, kBlendConstantAlpha
, kBlendOneMinusConstaintAlpha
and kBlendSrcAlphaSaturate
. Visit the OpenGL glBlendFunc help page to learn more about each blending factors.
Available stencil functions.
: Never.kLess
: Less than.kEqual
: Equal.kLequal
: Less or equal.kGreater
: Greater.kGequal
: Greater or equal.kNotEqual
: Not equal.kAlways
: Always.List of available stencil operations.
: Sets the value to 0.kKeep
: Keeps the current value.kReplace
: Replace the current value.kIncr
: Increment the current value.kDecr
: Decrement the current value.kInvert
: Invert the current value.kIncrWrap
: Increment and wrap back to zero when the maximum value is reached.kDecrWrap
: Decrement and wrap back to zero when the minimum value is reached.Allow you to enable or disable graphics specific machine states.
: Controls the cull face state.kBlend
: Enable or disable the blending state.kDither
: Controls the dithering state.kStencilTest
: Enable or disable stencil testing.kDepthTest
: Enable or disable depth test.kDepthMask
: Enable or disable depth write.kScissorTest
: Controls scissor test.kPolygonOffsetFill
: Controls if an depth offset should be applied when depth testing polygons.kSmoothLines
: Draw anti-alias lines.kArrayBuffer
: Vertex array buffer.kElementArrayBuffer
: Element array buffer.Attribute flags that can be used with the Gfx:PushAttribs
and Gfx:PopAttribs
: Machine states, active texture, active program, vertex buffers, vertex array, vertex attributes, and frame buffer.fCurrent
: Clear color, color mask, line width, point size, scissor, and viewport.fDepth
: Depth value, depth function, and depth range (zNear, zFar).fBlend
: Blend equation, blend equation separate (modeRGB, modeAlpha), blend function (sfactor, dfactor) and blend function separate (srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha).fStencil
: Clear stencil value, stencil function (+ reference mask), function separate (function, reference, and mask), stencil mask, stencil mask separate, stencil operations (fail, zfail, zpass), stencil operation separate (fail, zfail, zpass).fAllBits
: All attributes listed in this section.kTexture2D
: 2D texture.kTexture3D
: 3D texture.kTexture2DArray
: 2D texture array.kTextureCubemap
: Cubemap texture.