
Subsystem to access low-level graphics API and capabilities.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
matrix_mode The active MatrixMode in use.
config Access the active GfxConfig.


Name Description
LoadIdentity Replace the current matrix with the identity matrix.
PushMatrix Push the current matrix stack.
PopMatrix Pop the current matrix stack.
LoadMatrix Replace the current matrix with the specified matrix.
MultiplyMatrix Multiply the current matrix with the specified matrix.
Translate Multiply the current matrix by a translation matrix.
Rotate Multiply the current matrix by a rotation matrix.
Scale Multiply the current matrix by a general scaling matrix.
Enable Enable a specific graphics state capability.
Disable Enable a specific graphics state capability.
BlendEquation Specify the equation used for both the RGB blend equation and the Alpha blend equation.
BlendEquationSeparate Set the RGB blend equation and the alpha blend equation separately.
BlendFunc Specify pixel arithmetic.
BlendFuncSeparate Specify pixel arithmetic for RGB and alpha components separately.
CullFace Specify whether front or back-facing triangles can be culled.
StencilFuncSeparate Set front and/or back function and reference value for stencil testing.
StencilMaskSeparate Control the front and/or back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes.
StencilOp Set front and back stencil test actions.
StencilOpSeparate Set the front or back stencil test actions.
PushAttribs Push one or more type of attributes settings.
PopAttribs Pop back one or more type of attributes settings.
FrontFace Define front and back-facing triangles.
ActiveTexture Select active texture unit.
BindTexture Define front and back-facing triangles.
IsActiveTexture Helper to check if a specific texture slot is currently active.
MatrixMode Specify which matrix is the current matrix.
GetViewMatrix Return the active view matrix.
GetModelMatrix Return the active model matrix.
GetModelViewMatrix Return the active model matrix multiplied by the view matrix.
GetProjectionMatrix Return the current projection matrix.
GetModelViewProjectionMatrix Return the active modelview matrix multiplied by the projection matrix.
GetNormalMatrix Return normalize 3x3 part of the active model matrix.
GetViewport Get get active viewport coordinates.
GetFrustum Helper that return the current frustum that is used for clipping.
GetScissor Return the current scissor coordinates.
IsEnabled Helper check if a specific EnableCap is on or off.
LineWidth Change the tickness to use when drawing lines.
GetLineWidth Retrieve the current line tickness in use.
PointSize Change the size to use when drawing points.
GetPointSize Retrieve the size that is used when drawing points.
Scissor Define the active scissor box.
Viewport Define the active viewport box.
ClearDepth Specify the clear value for the depth buffer.
DepthFunc Specify the value used for depth buffer comparisons.
DepthRange Specify mapping of depth values from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates.
ClearStencil Specify the clear value for the stencil buffer.
StencilFunc Set front and back function and reference value for stencil testing.
StencilMask Control the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes.
PolygonOffset Set the scale and units used to calculate depth values.
Clear Clear buffers to preset values.
ClearColor Specify clear values for the color buffer.
ColorMask Enable and disable writing of frame buffer color components.
GetExtension Manually test wether or not a specific extension is available.
ReadPixels Read a pixel from the active backbuffer or FrameBuffer.


A structure to store the current driver configuration and limitations.

Static Variables

Name Description
max_texture_size Maximum texture size.
max_viewport_dims Maximum viewport dimension.
max_vertex_attribs Maximum amount of vertex attributes per Shader program.
max_vertex_uniform_vectors Maximum number of vertex uniforms vectors per Shader program.
max_varying_vectors Maximum number of varying vectors per Shader program.
max_combined_texture_image_units Maximum amount of combines texture image units.
max_texture_image_units Maximum number image units per Shader program.
max_fragment_uniform_vectors Maximum uniforms vectors per Shader program.
max_cube_map_texture_size Maximum cubemap texture size.
max_renderbuffer_size Maximum size of renderbuffers.
max_color_attachments Maximum amount of color attachment per framebuffer.
backbuffer The size of the application backbuffer in pixel.
vendor Contain the driver vendor.
renderer Current renderer version string.
version Graphics API version.
shading_language Version of the active shading language in use.
extensions Available graphics extensions.

NRG - API 2022.4.384543 - Fri Nov 4 2022
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