
A color band is a type of Texture that allows you to create a series of color gradients in pixels along a single band. They are usually used to create different type of effect or procedurally generated at runtime based on different scenarios or user inputs.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
texture The parent Texture asset the ColorBand belongs to.
colorkey_count The current amount of ColorKey the ColorBand contains


Name Description
selected The unique id of the ColorKey currently selected.
interpolation_type The type of interpolation to used to generate the ColorBand gradient.


Name Description
AddColorKey Create and add a new ColorKey to the ColorBand.
SetColorKey Update the parameters of an existing ColorKey.
GetColorKey Retrieve a specific ColorKey using its unique id as key.
GetColorKeyAt Get an existing ColorKey by index.
GetColorAtPosition Get the color used by a ColorKey using a position on the band as key.
GetColorKeyAtPosition Retrieve an existing ColorKey using its position as key.
ColorKeyIndex Get the index of an existing ColorKey.
RemoveColorKey Remove an existing ColorKey using its reference as key.
RemoveColorKeyAt Remove a ColorKey from the active band using its index.
ToTexture Generate a Texture based on the active ColorBand configuration.


Structure that holds the information of a single color placed on the band.

Static Variables

Name Description
uid Unique id to identify the color key within the ColorBand.


Name Description
position Normalized location of the color key within the band.
color The current color set for the active ColorKey.

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