
A shard is basically a broken piece that is part of a FracturedMesh. Once the mesh is destroyed it will break into shards; each shard can be access independently and respond to its own set of functions and properties.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
fracturedmesh Reference to the FracturedMesh the Shard belongs to.
world_matrix 4x4 matrix storing the active world transformation of the Shard.
bounds Bounds of the Shard in world space.
physicobject Reference to the PhysicObject attached to the active Shard.


Name Description
local_matrix 4x4 local matrix representing the transformation of the Shard relative to its parent FracturedMesh.
selected Boolean value representing if the Shard is currently selected (editor only).


Name Description
SetMaterial Assign the Material to use when drawing the Shard.
CopyMaterials Helper that allows you to copy the current Material configuration used for a specific RenderLayer to another.
GetMaterial Helper function to retrieve the current Material used for a specific RenderLayer caps configuration.
Activate Force the activation of a Shard.
Detach Force the Shard to be detached from its parent FracturedMesh.

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