
A special type of RigidConstraint that force a PhysicObject to remain a certain distance from a predefined cone, limiting its rotation.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
rigidconstraint Parent RigidConstraint responsible of maintaining the active TwistConstraint.
angular_limit Controls the rotational limit of the TwistConstraint for each axis.
softness Describes the percentage of limits where the movement is free, beyond this percentage, the limit is gradually reinforced until the hard limit (1.0) is reached.
bias Strength with which the constraint resists zeroth order (angular, not angular velocity) limit violation.
relaxation The lower the value the less the constraint will fight velocities which violate angular limits.
fix_threshold The threshold to used to force solving the swing limit of the constraint.
motor_enabled Enable angular motor force.
motor_normalize_impulse Normalize the motor impulse strength.
motor_angular_target The motor target rotation on each axis.
motor_max_impulse Maximum impulse factor that will be accumulated by the motor.
cfm_linear The linear constant force mixing factor.
cfm_angular The angular constant force mixing factor.
erp_linear Control the error reduction parameter to use by the constraint solver.


Name Description
SetFrames Build the constraint frames between two rigid bodies.
SetLimits Setup the limit parameters of the active TwistConstraint.
SetMotor Enable or disable angular motor (and setup its parameter) for the active TwistConstraint.
SetOverrides Function that allows you to overrides the default CFM and ERP values.
GetAngle Helper that retrieve the current angle (in degree) of the TwistConstraint.

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