Enabled rigid body physics to be applied on a PhysicObject. The programming interface below allows you to control a variety of properties that will affect the behaviors of the RigidBody.
It also contains multiple helpers and functions to be able to control the physics movement of an object; create and attach different types of RigidConstraint to your rigid body to make your physics World more lifelike.
See Also
Name | Description |
physicobject | Parent PhysicObject where the RigidBody component is stored. |
rigidconstraint_count | Current amount of RigidConstraint attached to the current RigidBody. |
Name | Description |
default_state | The default ActivationState the RigidBody after it is created. |
adaptation_method | The default AdaptationMethod to use for AdaptiveMesh located on the active RigidBody. |
kinematic | Determine whether or not the RigidBody transformation should be controlled by the application. |
disable_contact_response | Force the RigidBody to act as a ghost and stop responding to collision. |
remove_broken_constraints | Force the system to remove RigidConstraint as soon as the become broken. |
mass | Control the mass of the active RigidBody. |
form_factor | Control the form factor of the inertia tensor. |
linear_factor | Linear factors allow you to specify the influence of movements for each axis. |
angular_factor | Angular factors works basically the same way as is linear counterpart at the exception that it is applied to the rotational part of the RigidBody transformation. |
anisotropic_friction | Control the internal friction damping by altering the value for each axis. |
linear_damping | Specify the linear damping factor for each axis. |
angular_damping | Controls the angular damping factor for each rotational axis. |
linear_sleeping_threshold | Linear sleeping threshold value in seconds; where 1.0 = 1 sec. |
angular_sleeping_threshold | Same as linear_sleeping_threshold but control the angular sleeping threshold value. |
contact_processing_threshold | The period of time (where 1.0 = 1 sec.) a contact point should still be considered as alive before it gets destroyed. |
motion_threshold | Interpolation factor that will be use to interpolate the motion between the previous and current frame. |
swept_sphere_radius | Radius of the swept sphere to use for continuous collision detection. |
gravity | Custom gravity vector to use for the active RigidBody. |
force | Control the amount of force that should be applied on the RigidBody. |
torque | Control the how much rotational torque should be applied on the RigidBody. |
linear_velocity | Set/get the amount of linear velocity is currently applied on the RigidBody. |
angular_velocity | Set/get how much angular velocity is currently applied on the RigidBody. |
Name | Description |
Activate | Activate the RigidBody. |
Deactivate | Force the physic engine to deactivate the RigidBody. |
WantsDeactivation | Hint the physic engine that the RigidBody should be marked for deactivation. |
DisableDeactivation | Force the physic engine to never deactivate the RigidBody. |
DisableSimulation | Remove the RigidBody from the physics simulation. |
GetActivationState | Return the current ActivationState of the RigidBody. |
ClearForces | Set all forces back to 0; wich will force the RigidBody to stop moving instantenously. |
ApplyForce | Apply a certain amount of force to the active RigidBody. |
ApplyImpulse | Apply a specific amount of impulse on the RigidBody. |
ApplyTorqueImpulse | Apply a certain amount of torque impulse on the RigidBody. |
ApplyCentralImpulse | Apply a specific amount of impulse to the center of the RigidBody. |
ClearVelocities | Clear out all velocity data (linear and angular). |
GetNumConstraintLinks | Return how many constraints are connected to the current RigidBody. |
AddConstraint | Create a new RigidConstraint and attach it to the active RigidBody. |
AddBallConstraint | Helper function to create and attach a BallConstraint to the current RigidBody. |
AddHingeConstraint | Helper function to create and attach a HingeConstraint to the current RigidBody. |
AddTwistConstraint | Helper function to create and attach a TwistConstraint to the current RigidBody. |
AddSliderConstraint | Helper function to create and attach a SliderConstraint to the current RigidBody. |
AddGenericConstraint | Helper function to create and attach a GenericConstraint to the current RigidBody. |
AddFixedConstraint | Helper function to create and attach a FixedConstraint to the current RigidBody. |
GetConstraint | Retrieve the reference of a specific RigidConstraint attached to the current RigidBody using its name as key. |
GetConstraintAt | Retrieve the reference of a RigidConstraint using its internal index as key. |
GetConstraintIndex | Return the internal index of a specific RigidConstraint reference. |
RemoveConstraint | Remove a specific RigidConstraint attached to the active RigidBody. |
RemoveConstraintAt | Remove an existing RigidConstraint by index. |