Occluders allows you to set and place a mesh within your scene that can occlude other objects. Based on the settings of the current render layer the occluder is placed; at drawing time the object bounding box of the data type specified will be tested against the occluder mesh. Occluder can easily be identified while being in View3d edit mode as they are draw using semi-transparent magenta (default color).
Take note that you need to have the Occlusion
option enable for all Render Layers where the occluder is active in order for it to work. In addition, you will also need to specify an Inclusion Mask
to tell the system what object data type the occluder can hide for a specific render layer.
Mesh: The mesh to use for the active occluder. Click the icon to reveal the list of all mesh assets available in your library. To clear the current mesh tap the
icon. On the right side of the control the number near the
icon will represent how many time the mesh is referenced.
Double Sided: Determine if cull face should be enabled or disabled when drawing the mesh during the occlusion processing phase of the render layer.
Occlusion queries
Graphics Extensions; ensure that the extension is available and enabled in order to have proper occlusion behaviors working.