
An object group allows you to consolidate multiple Object into one group. All objects connected to an ObjectGroup can then be selected or deselected all at once; the same goes for their visibility. You can quickly show or hide all Object by a single call.

Optionally a color can also be assigned to the ObjectGroup allowing you to have visual feedback of all the Object connected to a group.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
scene The Scene where the active ObjectGroup is defined.
object_count Total amount of Object contained in the current ObjectGroup.
uid The internal uid of the ObjectGroup to identify it globally.


Name Description
name Unique name to identify the ObjectGroup within the Scene it is defined.
color A color to visually identify all the Object contained in the current ObjectGroup.


Name Description
AddObject Add an existing Object to the current ObjectGroup.
GetObject Retrieve a specific Object from the current ObjectGroup using its name as key.
GetObjectAt Retrieve a specific Object reference using its index within the ObjectGroup.
GetObjectIndex Retrieve the index of an Object connected to the active ObjectGroup.
RemoveObject Remove a specific Object from the current ObjectGroup.
RemoveObjectAt Remove an Object from the group using its index as key.
SelectAll Helper function that mark all Object from the group as selected.
DeselectAll Deselect all Object contained in the active ObjectGroup.
IsSelected Test if all Object in the active ObjectGroup are selected or not.
ShowAll Toggle the visibility of all Object of the ObjectGroup to true.
HideAll Toggle the visibility of all Object of the ObjectGroup to false.
IsVisible Test if all Object visibility are set to true.

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