A scene can be considered as a level. It is where you place objects to create your worlds, but it could also be used in many different ways. A scene can be considered as an "image" or part of an "image"; it can not only be use to draw geometry on screen but can also be used to draw GUI, HUD (with a 2d camera) or to progressively load at runtime a seamless open world.
See Also
Name | Description |
asset | Reference to the parent Asset where the Scene data is maintained. |
localbounds | The active Scene boundaries. |
object_count | Total amount of Object currently contained in the active Scene. |
renderlayer_count | Number of RenderLayer available within the current Scene. |
subscene_count | Amount of sub Scene that will be loaded along with the current Scene. |
objectgroup_count | Number of ObjectGroup currently defined in the active Scene. |
soundgroup_count | Total of SoundGroup maintained by the Scene. |
audiopreset_count | Number of AudioPreset available in the current Scene. |
variable_count | Amount of member Variable defined in the active Scene. |
animation | Animation structure that handles the Action and Sequence of the active Scene. |
handler | Handler reference that maintains the scripting thread of the current Scene. |
navigation | Access to the Navigation structure associated to the Scene (if any). |
loading | Boolean value that represent if the Scene is currently loading or not. |
Name | Description |
renderlayer_mask | Bit mask of RenderLayer cap that describes which layers are currently available for rendering. |
debug_mode | Bit mask of the debug mode(s) to use while the Scene is in edit mode (editor only). |
active | Activate or deactive Scene updates. |
visible | Enable or disable the active Scene rendering. |
visible | Enable or disable the active Scene rendering. |
store_audioeffects | Force to save the current AudioEffect configuration inside the active Scene. |
cursor_normal | The direction vector at the 3d cursor location. |
Name | Description |
AddRenderLayer | Create and append a new RenderLayer to the active Scene. |
GetRenderLayer | Retrieve an existing RenderLayer using its name as key. |
GetRenderLayerAt | Return an existing RenderLayer located at a specific index. |
GetRenderLayerIndex | Retrieve the index of an existing RenderLayer. |
SetRenderLayerIndex | Manually set the list index of an existing RenderLayer. |
RemoveRenderLayer | Remove a specific RenderLayer reference from the Scene. |
RemoveRenderLayerAt | Remove a RenderLayer by index. |
SwapRenderLayers | Swap the location of two RenderLayer using their index as key. |
AddSubScene | Add a new sub Scene slot. |
GetSubScene | Retrieve the Scene Asset reference using the slot index as key. |
SetSubScene | Assign to a specific slot the sub Scene Asset to load. |
GetSubSceneIndex | Retrieve the slot index where a specific Scene Asset is connected to. |
SetSubSceneIndex | Change the loading priority of a specific sub Scene Asset slot. |
RemoveSubScene | Remove a specific sub Scene slot index using its index as key. |
SwapSubScenes | Swap the loading order of two sub Scene slot. |
AddObjectGroup | Create a new ObjectGroup and attach it to the active Scene. |
GetObjectGroup | Retrieve an existing ObjectGroup using its name as key. |
GetObjectGroupAt | Return the reference of an ObjectGroup at a specific index location. |
GetObjectGroupIndex | Return the index of a specific ObjectGroup maintained by the active Scene. |
RemoveObjectGroup | Remove an ObjectGroup associated to the current Scene. |
RemoveObjectGroupAt | Helper to remove an existing ObjectGroup at a specific index. |
AddSoundGroup | Create an attach a new SoundGroup to the current Scene. |
GetSoundGroup | Helper to retrieve a specific SoundGroup reference using its name as key. |
GetSoundGroupAt | Return a SoundGroup using its index as key. |
GetSoundGroupIndex | Function that return the index of a specific SoundGroup contained in the current Scene. |
RemoveSoundGroup | Remove a SoundGroup from the active Scene. |
RemoveSoundGroupAt | Remove a SoundGroup located at a specific index. |
AddVariable | Append a new member Variable to the active Scene. |
GetVariable | Helper to retrieve the reference to an existing Variable using its name as key. |
GetVariableIndex | Function that retrieve the index of an existing Variable. |
GetVariableAt | Retrive a specific Variable reference by index. |
RemoveVariable | Remove a specific member Variable from the current Scene. |
RemoveVariableAt | Remove a Variable using its index as key. |
AddAudioPreset | Add a new AudioPreset to the active Scene. |
GetAudioPreset | Helper that retrieves an existing AudioPreset by name. |
GetAudioPresetAt | Helper that return the AudioPreset reference associated to a specific index. |
GetAudioPresetIndex | Return the internal index of an existing AudioPreset reference. |
RemoveAudioPreset | Remove an existing AudioPreset reference from the active Scene. |
RemoveAudioPresetAt | Remove by index an existing AudioPreset connected to the current Scene. |
AddObject | Helper function that allows you to manually create and connect a new Object to the current Scene. |
AddEmpty | Helper function that creates and connect a new empty Object to the active Scene. |
AddCamera | Helper function that creates and connect a new Camera Object to the active Scene. |
AddStaticMesh | Helper function that creates and connect a new StaticMesh Object to the active Scene. |
AddDynamicMesh | Helper function that creates and connect a new DynamicMesh Object to the active Scene. |
AddSkeletalMesh | Helper function that creates and connect a new SkeletalMesh Object to the active Scene. |
AddSoundSource | Helper function that creates and connect a new SoundSource Object to the active Scene. |
AddLightSource | Helper function that creates and connect a new LightSource Object to the active Scene. |
AddOccluder | Helper function that creates and connect a new Occluder Object to the active Scene. |
AddText | Helper function that creates and connect a new Text Object to the active Scene. |
AddParticleSystem | Helper function that creates and connect a new ParticleSystem Object to the active Scene. |
AddEnergyField | Helper function that creates and connect a new EnergyField Object to the active Scene. |
AddRoute | Helper function that creates and connect a new Route Object to the active Scene. |
AddRay | Helper function that creates and connect a new Ray Object to the active Scene. |
AddProbe | Helper function that creates and connect a new Probe Object to the active Scene. |
GetObject | Retrieve an existing Object reference attached to the current Scene. |
GetObjectAt | Get a specific Object reference using an index as key. |
GetObjectIndex | Return the internal index of an Object reference. |
SetObjectIndex | Manually change a specific Object internal index. |
RemoveObject | Remove an Object from the active Scene. |
RemoveObjectAt | Remove an Object using its index as key. |
AddNavigation | Add Navigation and pathfinding capabilities to the active Scene. |
RemoveNavigation | Remove Navigation and pathfinding capabilities from the active Scene. |
Pick | Helper to quicly pick the active Scene from a certain Camera point of view. |
Raycast | Basic raycast function that launches a ray through the active Scene. |
Raycast | More refined raycast function that launches a ray through the active Scene. |
Raycast | Advanced raycast function that launches a ray through the active Scene. |
UpdateBounds | Force to manually update the active Scene LocalBounds. |
Callbacks | Description |
OnAdd | This event is triggered each time a new Object is added to the Scene. |
OnRemove | Each time an Object is remove this callback is occurs. |
OnUpdate | This callback gets called each time the Scene gets update (typically once per frame). |
OnDraw | Called when the Scene is about to draw the first RenderLayer. |
OnBegin | Called when the Scene is about to draw a RenderLayer. |
OnEnd | Triggered when the Scene is drawing a RenderLayer. |
OnDisplay | This callback is triggered when the Scene is done drawing all RenderLayer. |
A structure used to store the information of a Scene raycast operation.
Name | Description |
hit | Variable used that confirms a hit actually occurs. |
hit_point | World location of the hit. |
hit_normal | The normal at the hit location. |
primitive_index | The primitive index intersected by the raycast operation (if any). |
lod_index | The level of detail index that was intersected during the raycast operation. |
part_index | Store the part index that get hit by the ray. |
object | Reference of the Object hit by the ray. |
collider_index | The physics Collider index hit by the ray. |
physicmaterial | Reference to the PhysicMaterial Asset associated to the Collider that get hit. |
geometry | Reference to the Geometry hit by the ray. |
Controls the various flags available for shape debug drawing. All flags enable or disable a specific visual shape debugging option that will be display inside the 3d viewport (editor only).
: Toggle Object debug shapes drawing.fDrawEmpties
: Draw empty Object.fDrawCameras
: Draw Camera Object.fDrawSoundSources
: Draw SoundSource Object shape.fDrawLightSources
: Draw LightSource Object shape.fDrawParticleSystems
: Draw ParticleSystem Object.fDrawEnergyFields
: Draw EnergyField Object.fDrawRoutes
: Draw Route Object.fDrawRays
: Draw Ray Object.fDrawProbes
: Draw Probe Object.fDrawRegions
: Draw Region Object.Controls the various flags available for bounds debug drawing. All flags enable or disable a specific visual bounds debugging option that will be display inside the 3d viewport (editor only).
: Enable or disable Object bounds drawing.fDrawAABB
: Draw the axis-aligned bounding box of an object(s).fDrawBBox
: Draw the bounding box of an object(s).fDrawBSphere
: Debug draws the bounding sphere of the object(s).fDrawClipBounds
: Debug draws the active clipping bounds used by an object(s).fDrawSensors
: Draw Sensor range of the object(s).fDrawBoundsSelected
: Restrict bounds debug draw to the current Object selection.Controls the various flags available for relations debug drawing. All flags enable or disable a specific visual relations debugging option that will be display inside the 3d viewport (editor only).
: Draw relationship lines between a parent and children object(s).fDrawObjectRelations
: Use a dashed line between parent and child to debug draw their relationship.fDrawConstraintRelations
: Enable debugs draw of object constraints.fDrawRelationshipsSelected
: Restrict constraint debug draw to the active selection.Controls the various flags available for misc. debug drawing. All flags enable or disable a specific visual miscellaneous debugging option that will be display inside the 3d viewport (editor only).
: Enable or disable miscellaneous debug drawings.fDrawPivot
: Draw the Object pivot point.fDrawCenter
: Draw the Object bounding box center point.fDrawAxis
: Draw the local axis aligned axes.fDrawOccluded
: Draw using wireframes occluded drawable objects or debug shape(s).fDrawObjectNames
: Draw the name of the Object.fDrawJointNames
: Draw the Skeleton Joint name.fDrawChunkNames
: Draw the FracturedMesh Shard names.fDrawActionPaths
: Draw all location paths contained in the active Action selected.fDrawChunkNames
: Draw the FracturedMesh Shard names.fDrawObjectGrids
: Draw all ObjectGrid of the active Scene.fDrawObjectGridsViewer
: Debug draw the ViewerMethod of each active ObjectGrid.fDrawMiscSelected
: Restrict misc. drawing to the active selection only.