A structure that maintains all ParticleData array for the active set of Particles. This API allows you to gain access to the raw data used by the particles and allows you to change them using a Script or via C/C++ plugins.
See Also
Name | Description |
type | Active ParticleType use by the active Particles. |
entity | The current Entity connected to the Particles (kMatter only). |
playback_time | Total playback time of the Particles since their creation. |
count | Total amount of Particles available. |
active | Current amount of active Particles. |
data_count | Amount of ParticleDataType available within the active Particles. |
duration | Duration data array. |
lifetime | Lifetime data array. |
size | Size data array. |
rotation | Rotation data array. |
scale | Scale data array. |
color0 | First color channel data array. |
color1 | Second color channel data array. |
color2 | Third color channel data array. |
color3 | Fourth color channel data array. |
alpha0 | First alpha channel data array. |
alpha1 | Second alpha channel data array. |
alpha2 | Third alpha channel data array. |
alpha3 | Fourth alpha channel data array. |
userdata0 | First userdata channel data array. |
userdata1 | Second userdata channel data array. |
userdata2 | Third userdata channel data array. |
userdata3 | Fourth userdata channel data array. |
velocity | Velocity data array. |
force | Force data array. |
angle | Force data array. |
offset | Offset data array. |
texcoord0 | First texcoord channel data array. |
texcoord1 | Second texcoord channel data array. |
texcoord2 | Third texcoord channel data array. |
texcoord3 | Fourth texcoord channel data array. |
basis_matrix | Local transformation data array. |
world_matrix | World transformation data array. |
Name | Description |
sync_time | Last time the Particles was re-evaluated. |
Name | Description |
GetParticleDataType | Retrieve the ParticleDataType for a specific data index. |
Constant values that identify the different types of Particles
: Quads; their sizes are not implementation limited and rotation can be applied. They are constructed using two triangles and takes 4 vectors per particle in memory.kPointSprite
: Points; they are the fastest type to render and takes little memory (1 vector per particles). However, their size is restricted by the maximum point size of the graphics implementation (which may vary from platform to platform). In addition, they can only have the same size on the X and Y axis and cannot be rotated.kTrail
: Stitched quads; very similar to Sprite the trail allows you to created lines since all particles emitted will connect to the next using a triangle strip. They are ideal to create effects such as lighting, electricity or motion trails.kMatter
: This type allows you to connect an existing Entity. An Entity is basically a predefined branch (including leaves if any) of the scene graph that has been saved as a Script. Every time a particle will be emitted the Script will run creating a new Object or series of objects and reconstruct their properties (physics included).Access and modify a specific type of Particles data from a Script.
-- Retrieve the ParticleDataType at index 0 and insure it is of the
-- type kDuration.
if( this.data.particlesystem:GetParticlesAt(0):GetParticleDataType(0) ==
ParticleData.ParticleDataType.kDurationData ) then
-- Retrieve the duration array.
local duration = this.data.particlesystem:GetParticlesAt(0).duration
-- Update the duration data for each particle.
for i=1,table.getn( duration ) do
duration[ i ] = duration[ i ] * 1.125
-- Push back the updated duration data.
this.data.particlesystem:GetParticlesAt(0).duration = duration