Name | Description |
SetVideoBuffer | Attach an existing VideoBuffer to the current Video component. |
Declaration void SetVideoBuffer( VideoBuffer *videobuffer, Quality quality ) Parameters
videobuffer : Reference to a VideoBuffer; to disconnect the Asset set to nil .
quality : Determine the quality of the VideoBuffer playback.
SetCache | Adjust the frame cache that is used during playback. |
Declaration void SetCache( unsigned char cache_size ) Parameters
cache_size : A value between 1 to 24 representing the amount of frame that should be cached ahead of time.
Play | Starts the Video playback. |
Declaration Return Value
true if the Video either resume or start playing; else return false if it was already playing or cannot be started (in the event that no VideoBuffer is attached).
Pause | Pause the current Video playback. |
Declaration Return Value
true if the Video playback pause successfully; else return false .
Stop | Stop the current Video playback. |
Declaration Return Value
true if the Video stop playing; else return false if it was already stopped.
SeekFast | Quickly jump to a specific point in time (approximated, fast). |
Declaration void SeekFast( float playback_time ) Parameters
playback_time : Specify the position in time where the Video should jump to (1.0 = 1sec. ).
SeekFrameFast | Helper that directly make the Video jump to a specific frame (approximated, fast). |
Declaration void SeekFrameFast( unsigned int frame ) Parameters
frame : Frame number to jump to.
Seek | Jump directly to a specific time (accurate, slow). |
Declaration void Seek( float playback_time ) Parameters
playback_time : Specify the position in time where the Video should jump to (1.0 = 1sec. ).
SeekFrame | Function that allows you to jump directly to a specific frame (accurate, slow). |
Declaration void SeekFrame( unsigned int frame ) Parameters
frame : Frame number to jump to.
GetPlaybackTime | Retrieve the current Video playback time. |
Declaration float GetPlaybackTime( void ) Return Value
The current playback time where 1.0 = 1sec. .
GetPlaybackFrame | Helper that returns the current playback frame number. |
Declaration int GetPlaybackFrame( void ) Return Value
-1 if the Video haven't start playing; else return the current frame index number.
GetCachedFrameCount | Function to analyze how many frames are currently cached. |
Declaration unsigned char GetCachedFrameCount( void ) Return Value
The current amount of frames that have successfully been cached.