
Component attached to a Texture that allows real-time OGV video playback. The interface below provides you standard playback control such as play, pause and stop; allows you to seek and retrieve playback information.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
texture Parent Texture reference where the active Video component is attached.
quality The current Quality of the Video output.
handler The Handler that manages the scripting functionalities for the active Video.
videobuffer Reference to the VideoBuffer currently attached to the active Video.


Name Description
speed Speed factor that controls the Video playback.
state Active playback State of the Video.
auto_play Determine wheter or not the Video should start playing as soon a VideoBuffer is attached.
auto_loop Controls wether or not the VideoBuffer should loop back when the end of stream is encountered.


Name Description
SetVideoBuffer Attach an existing VideoBuffer to the current Video component.
SetCache Adjust the frame cache that is used during playback.
Play Starts the Video playback.
Pause Pause the current Video playback.
Stop Stop the current Video playback.
SeekFast Quickly jump to a specific point in time (approximated, fast).
SeekFrameFast Helper that directly make the Video jump to a specific frame (approximated, fast).
Seek Jump directly to a specific time (accurate, slow).
SeekFrame Function that allows you to jump directly to a specific frame (accurate, slow).
GetPlaybackTime Retrieve the current Video playback time.
GetPlaybackFrame Helper that returns the current playback frame number.
GetCachedFrameCount Function to analyze how many frames are currently cached.


Callbacks Description
OnPlay This callback gets called when the Video received the signal to start playing.
OnResume Triggered if the Video was paused and then start playing again.
OnPause Triggered when the Video gets paused.
OnStop Called when the Video received the stop signal.


Constant values that affect the quality of the output VideoBuffer when converted to a Texture.

  • kHighColor: Convert the video stream to 16bits.
  • kTrueColor: Directly output the same image quality encoded in the VideoBuffer.

NRG - API 2022.4.384543 - Fri Nov 4 2022
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