It is a very powerful tool that allows you to store and process the result multi-pass rendering to different storage and process them in Shader.
Name | Description |
camera | Parent Camera where the FrameBuffer is attached. |
size | The size of the FrameBuffer either in pixels or specified as viewport ratio. |
absolute | Specify if the FrameBuffer size should be absolute or relative. |
width | The current FrameBuffer width in pixels. |
height | The current FrameBuffer height in pixels. |
framebuffer_id | Internal GPU FrameBuffer id. |
Declaration unsigned int framebuffer_id
colorbuffer_id | Internal GPU id of the color buffer associated to the active FrameBuffer. |
Declaration unsigned int colorbuffer_id - Note
- Only a non zero value if the FrameBuffer have been initalized with
color_buffer set to true and no color attachment is present.
depthbuffer_id | Internal GPU id of the depth buffer associated to the active FrameBuffer. |
Declaration unsigned int depthbuffer_id - Note
- Only a non zero value if the FrameBuffer have been initalized with
depth_buffer set to true and no depth attachment have been provided.
stencilbuffer_id | Internal GPU id of the depth/stencil buffer associated to the active FrameBuffer. |
Declaration unsigned int stencilbuffer_id - Note
- Only a non zero value if the FrameBuffer have been initalized with
depth_buffer and stencil_buffer set to true and no depth/stencil attachment is provided.
Name | Description |
Clear | Reset the FrameBuffer and flag it for update. |
SetSize | Adjust the dimensions of the active FrameBuffer. |
Declaration void SetSize( float size_x, float size_y, bool absolute ) Parameters
size_x : Size of the FrameBuffer on the X axis.
size_y : Size of the FrameBuffer on the Y axis.
absolute : Specify if the size XY are absolute or relative values.
- Note
- If the
absolute parameter is true the size XY will be expected to be in pixels; else has a relative viewport ratio (ie: 0.5 = 50% of the current viewport dimensions).
SetStorage | Specify the type of storage the FrameBuffer should support; and trigger an internal update. |
Declaration void SetStorage( bool color_buffer, bool depth_buffer, bool stencil_buffer ) Parameters
color_buffer : Force a default color buffer to be created.
depth_buffer : Force the FrameBuffer to have a depth buffer.
stencil_buffer : Force the FrameBuffer to create a stencil buffer.
SetColorTexture | Attach or detach an existing Texture as color buffer. |
Declaration bool SetColorTexture( const unsigned char index, Texture *color_attachment, const unsigned short layer ) Parameters
index : Slot index where to place the Texture.
color_attachment : Reference to an existing Texture suitable to be a color attachment. Pass nil to disconnect any existing reference to the slot.
layer : The slice of the texture 3d or the texture 2d array to render to.
Return Value
true if the Texture reference have been connected to the slot index specified. Return false if the slot index is invalid (above the color attachment limits), if the Texture is a 3d texture, if the FrameBuffer is set to draw to a Cubemap or if the Texture is not a valid format (different from R ,RG , RGB or RGBA ).
SetColorCubemap | Attach or detach a Cubemap as color buffer. |
Declaration bool SetColorCubemap( const unsigned char index, Cubemap *color_attachment ) Parameters
index : Slot index where to place the Cubemap.
color_attachment : Reference to an existing Cubemap suitable to be a color attachment. Pass nil to disconnect any existing Cubemap reference to the slot.
Return Value
true if the Texture reference have been connected to the slot index specified. Return false if the FrameBuffer is not setup to render to a Cubemap; if UsageType of the Cubemap is not kDynamic or the format of the color_attachment is invalid (only R, RG, RGB and RGBA are accepted).
SetColorDiscard | Provides an opportunity for driver optimization by invalidating the content of the FrameBuffer. |
Declaration bool SetColorDiscard( const unsigned char index, bool discard ) Parameters
index : Specify the slot index to be discarded.
discard : Force the content of the color attachment to be discarded.
Return Value
true if the slot index provided is valid; else return false .
IsColorDiscard | Helper to verify if a specific color slot is marked to be discarded. |
Declaration bool IsColorDiscard( const unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : Color attachment slot index to validate if it is marked to be discarded.
Return Value
true if the slot index provided is valid and marked to be discarded; else return false .
SetColorReadPixels | Force the FrameBuffer content to be transferred to the Texmap of the Texture or Cubemap used. |
Declaration bool SetColorReadPixels( const unsigned char index, bool read_pixels ) Parameters
index : The index of the slot you wish to transfer the texel data.
read_pixels : Determine wether or not the texel data should be transferred from GPU to CPU memory.
Return Value
true if the slot index in valid; false if the index is incorrect or above the driver limits.
IsColorReadPixels | Helper to check if a specific slot is marked to transfer texel data. |
Declaration bool IsColorReadPixels( const unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : Slot index to check if it is marked or not for texel transfer.
Return Value
true if the slot index provided is valid and marked for transfer; else return false .
SetDepthTexture | Connect a depth attachment to the active FrameBuffer. |
Declaration bool SetDepthTexture( Texture *depth_attachment, const unsigned short layer ) Parameters
depth_attachment : A valid reference to a Texture that is set to hold depth values. Pass nil to disconnect any reference to the slot.
layer : The slice of the texture 3d or the texture 2d array to render to.
Return Value
true on success; false if the FrameBuffer is set up to render to Cubemap, if the depth_attachment is invalid (not a depth or a 3d Texture) or if the TextureType is not set to kAttachment .
SetDepthCubemap | Connect a depth Cubemap attachment to the active FrameBuffer. |
Declaration bool SetDepthCubemap( Cubemap *depth_attachment ) Parameters
depth_attachment : A valid reference to a Cubemap that is set to hold depth values. Pass nil to disconnect any reference to the slot.
Return Value
true on success; false if the FrameBuffer is not setup to render to a Cubemap, if the depth_attachment is invalid (not setup for depth) or if the Cubemap UsageType is not kDynamic .
SetDepthDiscard | Provides an opportunity for driver optimization by invalidating the content of the FrameBuffer. |
Declaration bool SetDepthDiscard( const unsigned char index, bool discard ) Parameters
index : Specify the slot index to be discarded.
discard : Force the content of the depth attachment to be discarded.
Return Value
true if the slot index provided is valid; else return false .
IsDepthDiscard | Helper to verify if a specific depth slot is marked to be discarded. |
Declaration bool IsDepthDiscard( const unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : Depth attachment slot index to validate if it is marked to be discarded.
Return Value
true if the slot index provided is valid and marked to be discarded; else return false .
BlitBegin | Prepare the active FrameBuffer for a blit operation. |
Declaration Return Value
true if the FrameBuffer have been created and is ready to blit; false if no framebuffer_id have been generated.
Blit | Copy the content of a FrameBuffer to the active FrameBuffer. |
Declaration bool Blit( FrameBuffer *src, const ClearBuffer mask, const unsigned char src_index, const unsigned char dst_index, bool linear ) Parameters
src : Reference to the source FrameBuffer; to directly copy the content of the default back buffer pass nil .
mask : Bit mask of ClearBuffer value(s) specifying what content to copy.
src_index : Source color attachment index (only apply when using fColorBufferBit ).
dst_index : Destination color attachment index (only apply when using fColorBufferBit ).
linear : Force to use linear interpolation while copying the content.
Return Value
true on success; false if the active FrameBuffer have not yet being created, or if no mask have been provided.
BlitEnd | Restore the previouse draw buffers associated the active FrameBuffer and terminate the blit operation. |
GetColorTexture | Retrieve a Texture color attachment connected to a specific slot index. |
Declaration Texture *GetColorTexture( const unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : Index of the slot to retrieve the color attachment for.
Return Value
A Texture reference or nil if the slot index is invalid or no attachment is connected to the slot.
GetColorCubemap | Retrieve a Cubemap color attachment connected to a specific slot index. |
Declaration Texture *GetColorCubemap( const unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : Index of the slot to retrieve the color attachment for.
Return Value
A Cubemap reference or nil if the slot index is invalid or no attachment is connected to the slot.
GetDepthTexture | Retrieve a Texture depth attachment connected to a specific slot index. |
Declaration Texture *GetDepthTexture( const unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : Index of the slot to retrieve the depth attachment for.
Return Value
A Texture reference or nil if the slot index is invalid or no attachment is connected to the slot.
GetDepthCubemap | Retrieve a Cubemap depth attachment connected to a specific slot index. |
Declaration Texture *GetDepthCubemap( const unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : Index of the slot to retrieve the depth attachment for.
Return Value
A Cubemap reference or nil if the slot index is invalid or no attachment is connected to the slot.
GetColorTextureLayer | Retrieve the current layer use by a specific color texture slot. |
Declaration int GetColorTextureLayer( const unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : Index of the slot to retrieve the active layer.
Return Value
-1 if the active slot pointed by index if not a texture3d or a sampler2DArray; else return the active layer used by the slot index.
GetDepthTextureLayer | Retrieve a Cubemap depth attachment connected to a specific slot index. |
Declaration int GetDepthTextureLayer( void ) Parameters
index : Index of the slot to retrieve the depth attachment for.
Return Value
Returns -1 if the depth/stencil attachment is not a if not a texture3d or a sampler2DArray; else return the active slice used by the slot.
Rebuild | Force the active FrameBuffer to be rebuilt. |
Discard | Hint the driver to discard (when possible) from memory the content of the active FrameBuffer. |
Constant values used by diverse classes to determine data usage.