Load the project in the NRGeditor then press the top right button to Start.
Navigate the ShowRoom using your Keyboard and Mouse; each room introduces one or
multiple types of NRGobject(s). To get more details about a certain Object
simply get closer to its dedicated stand; more information and its common usage will appear on screen.
To learn more about a specific Object setup simply press the Esc
key to enter Edit Mode; then select the desired Object and inspect its current
Settings and Properties.
- StaticMesh cannot be deformed but can contain LODs; they are usually used to represent static geometry within a level (ie. walls, floors etc...).
- DynamicMesh has the ability to deform itself at runtime. There are two ways this type of Object can change its topology; either using SoftBody physics or by adding one or more MorphTarget.
- SkeletalMesh can also be deformed but based on a Skeleton Asset. Based on an Animation sequence the Skeleton bones and joints are animated and as a result, deform the vertices of the Mesh attached to it.
- Creates Mesh Objects that can be destroyed at runtime.
- Connected to a Fracture Asset a FracturedMesh can be destroyed based on the pre-calculated chunks contained in the Asset data.
- Multiple Fracture Assets can be generated for the same FracturedMesh allowing you to link them dynamically at runtime
to simulate that each time the Object breaks differently.
- LightSource Object allows you to control the data of the most commonly used punctual light types.
- They can handle by default all necessary properties for Ambient Light (+Spherical Harmonics), Sun Light (directional), Lamp (point light) and, Spots (directional cone or square light).
- Once a LightSource is available in your Scene it is up to you to send the information to either a Fragment or a Compute Shader to calculate lighting.
- ParticleSystem Objects allows you to position in space and control at runtime an existing ParticleNetwork Asset which can be connected in three different ways.
- Discrete: Create a full copy of the ParticleNetwork and force each particle to be updated independently.
- Template: Update the ParticleNetwork once and reuses the calculation for all subsequent Templates using the same ParticleNetwork.
- Instance: Forces a constant update of the connected ParticleNetwork for each ParticleSystem Object.
- An EnergyField is a special type of Object that acts as an attractor and is used to simulate real-world phenomenons.
- EnergyField Objects can interact with other Object Transformation, Particles, SoftBody and, RigidBody Physics.
- Eight default types of fields are available by default: Power, Wind, Swirl, Spin, Drag, Reflect, Turbulence and Tunnel.
- A Dynamic Probe Objects can perform 2d or 3d RTT (render to texture) operations from an arbitrary point in space.
- When set to Static they can be used as Projectors and project onto a Scene either a 2d Texture or a 3d Cubemap.
- Probes can be used to generate radiance and irradiance maps at runtime, generate dynamic shadow maps (either single or cascaded), and more.
- SoundSource are Objects that can be used to position 2d and 3d sounds in space; they can either play
sounds directly or be buffered.
- A SoundSource can either be Positional, Directional, or use to playback an Ambient track.
- SoundSource can be connected to AudioFilters (low, high, and bandpass) and AudioEffects (such as echo or reverb) for a higher level of immersion.
- Ray Objects can be used to perform RayCast against Scene geometry, Physics World and existing Navigation Maps.
- They can either be used as a standalone Object or can be Parented allowing you to easily implement logic code based if the ray hit or a miss.
- Rays can be used to create ie. laser sight, various types of triggers; they can be used to control a locomotion system that controls inverse kinematics constraints etc.
- Regions are used to create Volume based triggers in space.
- Based on a specific type of Bounds they can detect if certain Objects either Enter, Leave or currently Intersect a specific Region volume.
- Customized Logic Scripts can be created to take action based on the Events triggered by a specific Region.
- An Empty is the most basic form of an Object and simply contains a transformation. They can be used as placeholders or
to mark a certain location in space.
- Route Objects allows you to either connect an existing Path Asset or to generate a dynamic Navigation path at runtime. They
can be used to drive an NPC in space, create Camera paths, and more.
- Text Objects allow you to draw either in 2d or 3d True Type Font string to display either static or dynamic on screen information.