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Realtime Pathtracing Demo
Once a myth; now a reality! Download the cross-platform NRGstation path-tracing DEMO along with the original project to learn how to use the real-time path tracer inside your own application.
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  • No RTX required, runs everywhere!
  • Modern GPU with 1GB+ RAM, OpenGL 3.3+ (desktop version).
  • OpenGLES 3.0+ compatible GPU with 256MB+ RAM (mobile version).
Renderer Features

At the core, powering the NRGstation a real-time path tracer with dynamic global illumination, full PBR workflow. Start creating life-like realistic indoor environments today by integrating the renderer into your NRG projects!

For a quick scope of the functionalities and features currently implemented refer to the list below. Download the FULL project to gain access to the acceleration plugin source to get you started right away.

Realtime Pathtracer, No baking, No tricks, No hacks, No cheats.
Realtime Global Illumination (2+ bounces)
Dynamic Two levels SAH-based BHV
Blue Noise Sampling + Russian Roulette
Physically Based Rendering (GGX Model)
Support for Solid and Alpha blended particles/geometry.
Hybrid Realtime Denoiser (inspired by SVGF)
Realtime BVH dynamic updates (Static, Dynamic and Skeletal mesh)
Texture Mapping (Albedo, Roughness, Metallic, Normalmap, Emissive)
Atlas Texture Compression (DXT and ASTC) + Mipmapping
Explicit Light Importance Sampling
Screen Space Flares & Glare, Vignette
Fullscreen Antialias, Filmic Grain
Brightness, Contrast and Exposure Controls
Color Bleeding
Ambient Occlusion
Polygonal Area Lights, IES Lighting
Primary Ray Rasterization
True World Space Reflections
Soft/Hard Shadows + Penumbra
Bloom, Glow, Depth of Field
Realtime Texture Atlas Streaming
Adaptive Auto Exposure
HDR Filmic Tonemap (ACES), Color Mapping & Color Grading
Gamma and Staturation Level Controls
Desktop Controls

By default, the desktop version of NRGstation supports mouse and keyboard controls. Gamepads are also natively supported for all platforms; as it is optional they need to be configured separately.

Once the application is started you can access the settings from the main menu to set up your game controller and tweak visual and quality settings.
Mobile Controls

On a mobile platform, a "touch and go" mechanism is implemented to move around the station. The left side of the screen controls the direction of the camera, and the right side controls the camera rotation.

In first-person view double tap to set a navigation point. Optionally if you own a Bluetooth® gamepad you can configure it from the settings section of the main menu.

Visit the settings menu to tweak the visual quality over speed to get optimal performance for your device.

NRGstation Download
