Action layers are used to separate a specific set of action clips. They are used in conjunction with a Controller asset and usually act a as sheet taking care of a specific body part which in turn is connected to a variable either controlled by the user or by AI. In example, it is common in a typical Controller setup to have a layer dedicated for the LowerBody
(which can range from walk to jog to run) movements and another for the UpperBody
movements (which can range from idle to aim to shoot).
Name | Description |
SetArmature | An optional Armature that allows the ActionLayer to only affect a subset of bones. |
Declaration void SetArmature( Armature *armature ) Parameters
armature : A valid Armature or nil to remove an existing connection.
SetEntry | Set the starting point of the ActionLayer. |
Declaration int SetEntry( ActionClip *actionclip ) Parameters
Return Value
On success the function will return 0 else:
-1 : The actionclip does not belong to the active layer.
-2 : The actionclip is of the type AnyState .
-3 : The actionclip is of the type ExitState .
AddActionClip | Create a new ActionClip. |
Declaration ActionClip *AddActionClip( const char *name, const ClipType type ) Parameters
name : A name to identify the new ActionClip.
type : The type of clip you wish to create.
Return Value
A new ActionClip.
GetActionClip | Return a specific ActionClip based on its name. |
Declaration ActionClip *GetActionClip( const char *name ) Parameters
name : The name of the ActionClip you want to retrieve.
Return Value
If found; the existing ActionClip structure, else nil .
GetActionClipAt | Return an ActionClip at a specific index. |
Declaration ActionClip *GetActionClipAt( unsigned short index ) Parameters
index : Specify the index of the ActionClip you want to retrieve.
Return Value
On success return the ActionClip; else return nil if the index is out of bounds.
GetActionClipIndex | Return the index of a ActionClip. |
Declaration int GetActionClipIndex( const ActionClip *actionclip ) Parameters
actionclip : The ActionClip you wish to get the index for.
Return Value
If the actionclip provided exists in the ActionLayer ActionClip array its index will be returned; else -1 .
RemoveActionClip | Remove a specific ActionClip. |
Declaration bool RemoveActionClip( ActionClip *actionclip ) Parameters
Return Value
true on success; else return false if the ActionClip reference was not found within the layer actionclip list.
RemoveActionClipAt | Remove an ActionClip using its index. |
Declaration bool RemoveActionClipAt( int index ) Parameters
index : The index of the ActionClip you wish to delete.
Return Value
true if the index provided was valid; else return false .
AddClipGroup | Create a new ClipGroup to categorize and quickly retrieve multiple action clips at once. |
Declaration ClipGroup *AddClipGroup( const char *name ) Parameters
Return Value
The new ClipGroup.
GetClipGroup | Retrieve a specific ClipGroup using its name. |
Declaration ClipGroup *GetClipGroup( const char *name ) Parameters
name : Specify the name of the ClipGroup to retrieve.
Return Value
If found return the ClipGroup; else nil .
GetClipGroupAt | Retrieve a specific ClipGroup by index. |
Declaration ClipGroup *GetClipGroupAt( unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : The index of the ClipGroup you wish to retrieve.
Return Value
The ClipGroup at the index specified else return nil .
GetClipGroupIndex | Retrieve the index of a ClipGroup. |
Declaration int GetClipGroupIndex( const ClipGroup *group ) Parameters
group : The ClipGroup you want to get the index for.
Return Value
If found; return the index of the group specified, else return -1 .
RemoveClipGroup | Remove a specific ClipGroup. |
Declaration bool RemoveClipGroup( ClipGroup *group ) Parameters
Return Value
true if the ClipGroup have been removed; else return false .
RemoveClipGroupAt | Remove a specific ClipGroup using its index. |
Declaration bool RemoveClipGroupAt( int index ) Parameters
index : The index of the ClipGroup you want to delete.
Return Value
true if the ClipGroup have been deleted; else return false .
AddTransition | Create a new Transition to dynamically change the machine state of the active layer. |
Declaration Transition *AddTransition( const char *name ) Parameters
Return Value
The new Transition.
GetTransition | Get an existing Transition by its name. |
Declaration Transition *GetTransition( const char *name ) Parameters
name : Specify the name that identify Transition to retrieve.
Return Value
If found return the Transition; else nil .
GetTransitionAt | Retrieve a specific Transition by its index. |
Declaration Transition *GetTransitionAt( unsigned char index ) Parameters
index : The index of the Transition you wish to retrieve.
Return Value
The Transition at the index specified else return nil .
GetTransitionIndex | Retrieve the index of an existing Transition. |
Declaration int GetTransitionIndex( const Transition *transition ) Parameters
Return Value
Return the index of the Transition if it exists else return -1 .
RemoveTransition | Remove a specific Transition. |
Declaration bool RemoveTransition( Transition *transition ) Parameters
Return Value
true if the Transition have been removed; else return false .
RemoveTransitionAt | Remove a specific Transition using its index. |
Declaration bool RemoveTransitionAt( int index ) Parameters
index : The index of the Transition you want to delete.
Return Value
true if the Transition have been deleted; else return false .
| Create a Comment allowing you to categorize, label and manipulate multiple action clips at once. |
| Return a specific Comment based on its name. |
| Return an Comment at a specific index. |
| Return the index of a Comment. |
| Remove an existing Comment. |
| Remove a Comment using its index. |