Point to point constraint that can be applied on a since RigidBody or between two rigid bodies.
See Also
Static Variables
Name | Description |
rigidconstraint | The RigidConstraint that currently owns the BallConstraint. |
Declaration RigidConstraint *rigidconstraint
tau | Controls the amount of elasticity applied between the rigid bodies and the pivot. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 1.0
damping | Variable that control and stabilize the amount of jittering. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 1.0
impulse_clamp | Clamp the impulse if it goes above the thresold specified by this variable. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 1.0
cfm | Controls the constraint force mix factor. |
Declaration Range -0.1 to 1.0
erp | Sets the error reduction parameter. |
Declaration Range -0.1 to 1.0
Name | Description |
pivotA | The first attach point of the constraint; always relative to the RigidBody pivot point the constraint is attached to. |
pivotB | The second attach point of the constraint; either a local or an absolute position based on the current RigidConstraint settings. |
Declaration - Note
- If the RigidConstraint is attached to another RigidBody the location will be relative to its pivot point, else this vector represent an absolute location in world space.
Name | Description |
SetSettings | Specify the constraint settings. |
Declaration void SetSettings( float tau, float damping, float impulse_clamp ) Parameters
tau : The elasticity of the constraint.
damping : The amount of damping to apply in order to stabilize jittering.
impulse_clamp : Clamp the impulse if it goes above the value specified.
SetOverrides | Allows you to override the default values set for the constraint by the constraint solver. |
Declaration void SetOverrides( float cfm, float erp ) Parameters
cfm : The constant force mix.
erp : The error reduction parameter.
- Attention
- When settings overrides (see
SetOverrides ); all values below 0.0 means that the constraint should be using the default values predefined by the physics engine; specifiying values >= 0.0 allow you to override them with your own.