Name | Description |
rigidconstraint | Parent RigidConstraint maintaining the SliderConstraint data. |
Declaration RigidConstraint *rigidconstraint
linear_lower_limit | Control the minimum linear limit that defines the starting point of the slider. |
linear_upper_limit | Control the maximum linear limit that defines the ending point of the slider. |
angular_lower_limit | Specify the lower the rotational limit of the slider around the zip line. |
Declaration float angular_lower_limit Range -180.0 to 180.0
angular_upper_limit | Specify the maximum the rotational limit of the slider around the zip line. |
Declaration float angular_upper_limit Range -180.0 to 180.0
motor_linear_enabled | Determine if the linear motor of the constraint is enabled or not. |
Declaration bool motor_linear_enabled
motor_linear_target_velocity | Defines the linear velocity goal the motor is trying to reach. |
Declaration float motor_linear_target_velocity
motor_linear_max_force | Maximum amount of force the linear motor is applying. |
Declaration float motor_linear_max_force
motor_angular_enabled | Determine if the rotational motor of the constraint is enabled or not. |
Declaration bool motor_angular_enabled
motor_angular_target_velocity | The target angular velocity the motor is trying to reach. |
Declaration float motor_angular_target_velocity
motor_angular_max_force | Maximum amount of angular force the motor is applying. |
Declaration float motor_angular_max_force
cfm_linear | Linear constant force mixing factor. |
Declaration Range -0.1 to 1.0
cfm_angular | Angular constant force mixing factor. |
Declaration Range -0.1 to 1.0
cfm_stop_limit_linear | Constant force mixing factor to use when hitting the linear limits. |
Declaration float cfm_stop_limit_linear Range -0.1 to 1.0
cfm_stop_ortho_linear | Constant force mixing factor to use when the constraint is against linear constraint axis. |
Declaration float cfm_stop_ortho_linear Range -0.1 to 1.0
cfm_stop_limit_angular | Constant force mixing factor to use when hitting the angular limits. |
Declaration float cfm_stop_limit_angular Range -0.1 to 1.0
cfm_stop_ortho_angular | Constant force mixing factor to use when the constraint is against rotational constraint axis. |
Declaration float cfm_stop_ortho_angular Range -0.1 to 1.0
erp_limit_linear | Error reduction parameter to use inside the linear limit. |
Declaration Range -0.1 to 1.0
erp_ortho_linear | Error reduction parameter to use when the constraint is against linear constraint axis. |
Declaration Range -0.1 to 1.0
erp_limit_angular | Error reduction parameter to use inside the angular limit. |
Declaration Range -0.1 to 1.0
erp_ortho_angular | Error reduction parameter to use when the constraint is against angular constraint axis. |
Declaration Range -0.1 to 1.0
Name | Description |
SetFrames | Specify the SliderConstraint frames that creates the constraint. |
Declaration void SetFrames( const vec3 pivotA, const vec3 rotationA, const vec3 pivotB, const vec3 rotationB ) Parameters
pivotA : Specify the first pivot location.
rotationA : Set the rotation angles of the first pivot.
pivotB : Specify the second pivot location.
rotationB : Set the second pivot rotation angles.
SetLimits | Helper to retrieve an existing Joint by name. |
Declaration void SetLimits( float linear_lower_limit, float linear_upper_limit, float angular_lower_limit, float angular_upper_limit ) Parameters
linear_lower_limit : Starting position of the zip line in local space.
linear_upper_limit : Ending position of the zip line in local space.
angular_lower_limit : The angular lower limit specified as angle.
angular_upper_limit : The upper angular limit specified as angle.
SetLinearMotor | Function to enable or disable the constraint linear motor. |
Declaration void SetLinearMotor( bool motor_linear_enabled, float motor_linear_target_velocity, float motor_linear_max_force ) Parameters
motor_linear_enabled : Enable or disable the linear motor.
motor_linear_target_velocity : Specify the motor linear velocity target.
motor_linear_max_force : Specify the maximum amount of force the motor should apply.
SetAngularMotor | Enable or disable the angular motor of the active SliderConstraint. |
Declaration void SetAngularMotor( bool motor_angular_enabled, float motor_angular_target_velocity, float motor_angular_max_force ) Parameters
motor_angular_enabled : Enable or disable the angular motor of the SliderConstraint.
motor_angular_target_velocity : Specify the targetted angular velocity.
motor_angular_max_force : Determine the maximum amount of force the motor should apply.
SetOverridesCFM | Helper to verify if a specific Mesh can be deformed by the current SliderConstraint. |
Declaration void SetOverridesCFM( float cfm_linear, float cfm_angular, float cfm_stop_limit_linear, float cfm_stop_ortho_linear, float cfm_stop_limit_angular, float cfm_stop_ortho_angular ) Parameters
cfm_linear : Constant force mixing factor to use in between linear limits.
cfm_angular : Constant force mixing factor to use in between angular limits.
cfm_stop_limit_linear : Force mixing factor when hitting the linear limits.
cfm_stop_ortho_linear : Constant force mixing factor to use when the constraint is against linear constraint axis.
cfm_stop_limit_angular : Force mixing factor when hitting the angular limits.
cfm_stop_ortho_angular : Constant force mixing factor to use when the constraint is against angular constraint axis.
SetOverridesERP | Return a Joint reference using its index as key. |
Declaration void SetOverridesERP( float erp_limit_linear, float erp_ortho_linear, float erp_limit_angular, float erp_ortho_angular ) Parameters
erp_limit_linear : Error reduction parameter to use inside the linear limit.
erp_ortho_linear : Error reduction parameter to use when the constraint is against linear constraint axis.
erp_limit_angular : Error reduction parameter to use inside the angular limit.
erp_ortho_angular : Error reduction parameter to use when the constraint is against angular constraint axis.
GetLinearPos | Retrieve the current position of the RigidBody along the zip line. |
Declaration float GetLinearPos( void ) Return Value
Current location of the RigidBody in constraint local space.
GetAngularPos | Function to return the current angle of the connected RigidBody in degree. |
Declaration float GetAngularPos( void ) Return Value
The angle in degree of the PhysicObject in constraint local space.