
Create a linear constraint that allows a PhysicObject to slide from one point to another. Angular limits can also be controlled in order to restrict the rotation of the PhysicObject along the wire.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
rigidconstraint Parent RigidConstraint maintaining the SliderConstraint data.
linear_lower_limit Control the minimum linear limit that defines the starting point of the slider.
linear_upper_limit Control the maximum linear limit that defines the ending point of the slider.
angular_lower_limit Specify the lower the rotational limit of the slider around the zip line.
angular_upper_limit Specify the maximum the rotational limit of the slider around the zip line.
motor_linear_enabled Determine if the linear motor of the constraint is enabled or not.
motor_linear_target_velocity Defines the linear velocity goal the motor is trying to reach.
motor_linear_max_force Maximum amount of force the linear motor is applying.
motor_angular_enabled Determine if the rotational motor of the constraint is enabled or not.
motor_angular_target_velocity The target angular velocity the motor is trying to reach.
motor_angular_max_force Maximum amount of angular force the motor is applying.
cfm_linear Linear constant force mixing factor.
cfm_angular Angular constant force mixing factor.
cfm_stop_limit_linear Constant force mixing factor to use when hitting the linear limits.
cfm_stop_ortho_linear Constant force mixing factor to use when the constraint is against linear constraint axis.
cfm_stop_limit_angular Constant force mixing factor to use when hitting the angular limits.
cfm_stop_ortho_angular Constant force mixing factor to use when the constraint is against rotational constraint axis.
erp_limit_linear Error reduction parameter to use inside the linear limit.
erp_ortho_linear Error reduction parameter to use when the constraint is against linear constraint axis.
erp_limit_angular Error reduction parameter to use inside the angular limit.
erp_ortho_angular Error reduction parameter to use when the constraint is against angular constraint axis.


Name Description
use_linear_referenceA Use the transformation of the active RigidBody as reference frame instead of the RigidBody B transformation (default).


Name Description
SetFrames Specify the SliderConstraint frames that creates the constraint.
SetLimits Helper to retrieve an existing Joint by name.
SetLinearMotor Function to enable or disable the constraint linear motor.
SetAngularMotor Enable or disable the angular motor of the active SliderConstraint.
SetOverridesCFM Helper to verify if a specific Mesh can be deformed by the current SliderConstraint.
SetOverridesERP Return a Joint reference using its index as key.
GetLinearPos Retrieve the current position of the RigidBody along the zip line.
GetAngularPos Function to return the current angle of the connected RigidBody in degree.

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