Channels are basically a container that maintain the state of a Curve or Track. Each Channel is associated to a scripting command that update the value of an existing variable. Attached to an Action, channels can be used to either control a single value, like fading the audio volume or can be used to animate a SkeletalMesh by controlling the bone's transformation of an entire Skeleton hierarchy.
Each channel can have a set of triggers that can be placed at various point in time. Theses triggers are called Actuators; when the playback time of the Channel hit the actuator time the OnActuator
event will be called. Using this mechanism you can then add custom logic at various point in time during a Channel playback.
In example using actuators you could, in the case of a skeletal animation, place an actuator at the point in time where the foot of the character hit the floor. Subsequently, a Script or plugin can launch a ParticleSystem emitting dust to be launched at the location of the hit. Many more similar scenarios can be handled using actuators; always remember you have them your toolbox.
See Also
Name | Description |
action | The Action reference pointer where the Channel resides. |
type | The type of variable the Channel controls. |
value | Current value evaluated by the Channel. |
handler | Container that handles the script(s) connected to the Channel. |
track | Track reference pointer in the event the Channel have been set to not use its default Curve. |
playback_time | The active playback time of the Channel. |
code | Scripting command used by the Channel to affect the value of an existing variable. |
uid | Internal unique id used by the system to identify the Channel. |
curve | Default Curve used by the Channel if it is not linked to a Track. |
actuator_count | The total amount of actuators connected to the active Channel. |
Name | Description |
cycle_mode | The current CycleMode set for the Channel. |
name | Name to identify the Channel within its parent Action. |
state | Active State of the Channel which determine if it is evaluating, paused, stopped etc. |
flags | Bit mask holding various Channel options and setting. |
normalize | Normalize the value evaluated by the Channel ranging from -1 to 1 . |
visible | Show/hide the Channel when its parent Action is displayed in the editor. |
mute | When enabled the Channel continues to update but the variable it controls will not be updated. |
locked | Prevent the Channel key frames to be modified by the editor. |
continuous | Force the Channel variable to be updated even if the value evaluated haven't changed. |
color | A color to visually identify the Channel inside the editor. |
Name | Description |
Play | Start increasing the playback time and evaluating the Channel value. |
Pause | Pause the current Channel playback. |
Stop | Stop the Channel playback and reset its playback time back to 0. |
Seek | Manually set the Channel playback time. |
Record | Set the Channel State to kRecord allowing you to save the value of the variable connected to the channel over time. |
GetPlaybackTime | Return the current channel playback time. |
GetDuration | The total amount of time covered by the default Curve or Track the Channel is using. |
AddActuator | Create a new actuator to be triggered at specific point in time. |
SortActuators | Sort all the channel's actuators chronologically (based on their trigger time). |
HaveActuator | Get the actuator index for a specific playback time. |
RemoveActuator | Remove all actuators located at a specific playback time. |
GetActuatorPlaybackTime | Get the trigger time of an existing actuator. |
IsActuatorEnabled | Check if a specific actuator pointed by an index is enabled or disabled. |
IsActuatorRecursive | Check if a specific actuator is recursive or not. |
SetActuatorPlaybackTime | Modify the playback time of an existing actuator. |
SetActuatorEnable | Update the status of an existing actuator. |
SetActuatorRecursive | Change the recursion state of an existing actuator using its index as key. |
ClearActuators | Remove all existing actuators connected to the Channel. |
SetTrack | Force the Channel to use the Curve of an existing Track asset instead of its default one. |
GetCurve | Get the active Curve reference pointer used by the Channel. |
SetCode | The scripting command for the Channel to use to update an existing variable. |
Determine the behavior of the Channel when the playback time pass the last frame.
: Hold the value of last keyframe.kLoop
: Reset back the playback time to 0.kMirror
: Reverse the playback direction creating a ping pong effect.kExtrapolate
: Multiply the key frame value from the amount of cycles the Channel have been accumulating.kStandBy
: Maintain the Channel playback time if it pass the end of the associate Curve time range.Example
-- Print the kMirror cycle mode value:
print( "The value of kMirror is " .. Channel.CycleMode.kMirror )
Callbacks | Description |
OnUpdate | Triggered every time the Channel gets re-evaluated. |
OnActuator | Called each time the playback time trigger an existing actuator. |
OnPlay | This callback gets called when the Channel received the signal to start playing. |
OnResume | Triggered if the Channel was paused and then start playing again. |
OnPause | Triggered when the Channel gets paused. |
OnStop | Called when the Channel received the stop signal. |