Name | Description |
SetMesh | Connect an existing Mesh to the active DynamicMesh. |
Declaration Parameters
mesh : An existing Mesh reference pointer; pass nil to disconnect a Mesh already connected to the DynamicMesh.
SetMaterial | Assign an existing Material to the current DynamicMesh. |
Declaration bool SetMaterial( unsigned short lod_index, int renderlayer_cap, unsigned short primitive_index, Material *material ) Parameters
lod_index : The level of detail index to connect the Material too.
renderlayer_cap : Specify the cap of an existing RenderLayer to draw the Material too.
primitive_index : The primitive index of the Mesh connected to the DynamicMesh.
material : The Material asset reference to use for the active parameters; to disconnect a Material pass nil .
Return Value
true on success; false if the lod_index or the primitive_index is invalid.
CopyMaterials | Copy the current Material settings from a RenderLayer to another. |
Declaration bool CopyMaterials( unsigned short lod_index, int from_renderlayer_cap, int to_renderlayer_cap ) Parameters
lod_index : The level of detail index to copy.
from_renderlayer_cap : The RenderLayer slot to copy.
to_renderlayer_cap : An existing RenderLayer cap to copy to.
Return Value
true on success; false if the lod_index is invalid or if the from_renderlayer_cap does not exist.
GetMaterial | Retrieve an existing Material assigned to a specific slot settings. |
Declaration Material *GetMaterial( unsigned short lod_index, int renderlayer_cap, unsigned short primitive_index ) Parameters
lod_index : The level of detail index of the slot to retrieve.
renderlayer_cap : The RenderLayer cap assigned to the slot.
primitive_index : The primitive index used by the slot.
Return Value
A Material reference; nil if no slot match the parameters or if the slot does not have any Material connected to it.
AddMorphTarget | Create a new MorphTarget slot. |
Declaration MorphTarget *AddMorphTarget( const char *name ) Parameters
Return Value
A new MorphTarget reference.
GetMorphTarget | Retrieve a specific MorphTarget slot using its name as key. |
Declaration MorphTarget *GetMorphTarget( const char *name ) Parameters
Return Value
The MorphTarget slot specified by name ; nil if the slot does not exist.
GetMorphTargetAt | Get an existing MorphTarget using its index as key. |
Declaration MorphTarget *GetMorphTargetAt( unsigned int index ) Parameters
Return Value
MorphTarget reference if the index is valid; else return nil .
GetMorphTargetIndex | Return the index of a specific MorphTarget slot. |
Declaration int GetMorphTargetIndex( const MorphTarget *morphtarget ) Parameters
morphtarget : The MorphTarget slot to retrieve the index for.
Return Value
-1 if the morphtarget is invalid; else return its index.
RemoveMorphTarget | Remove an existing MorphTarget. |
Declaration bool RemoveMorphTarget( MorphTarget *morphtarget ) Parameters
Return Value
true if the slot have been removed successfully; false if the morphtarget is invalid.
RemoveMorphTargetAt | Remove a MorphTarget slot using its index as key. |
Declaration bool RemoveMorphTargetAt( int index ) Parameters
index : The index of the slot to remove.
Return Value
true if the slot have been removed; else return false if the index is out of bounds.