
A strip folder provides an interface to consolidate multiple StripGroup that belongs to the same part of a Sequence. As its name implied it act the same way as a folder in a file explorer at the exception that it can contain a variety of different StripGroup.

Additionally, StripSection can also be added which will allow you to group Strip that belongs to one or more StripGroup together. Once connected the whole StripSection can be manipulated independently instead of moving each Strip one by one.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
sequence Parent Sequence where the StripFolder is defined.
stripsection_count Current amount of StripSection contained in the active StripFolder.
stripgroup_count Total number of StripGroup maintained by the active StripFolder.
uid Unique id to globally identify the active StripFolder.


Name Description
name A unique name to identify the StripFolder within its parent Sequence.
open Control wheter or not the StripFolder should be open or close (editor only).


Name Description
AddStripGroup Add a new StripGroup to the active StripFolder.
GetStripGroup Retrieve an existing StripGroup reference by name.
GetStripGroupAt Retrieve a StripGroup by index.
GetStripGroupIndex Helper to retrieve the internal index of a specific StripGroup.
SetStripGroupIndex Manually set the internal index of a specific StripGroup maintained by the active StripFolder.
GetAction Remove a StripGroup from the current StripFolder.
RemoveStripGroupAt Remove a StripGroup from the current StripFolder using its index as key.
SwapStripGroups Exchange the internal location of two StripGroup connected to the active StripFolder.
AddStripSection Add a new StripSection to the active StripFolder.
GetStripSection Retrieve an existing StripSection that belongs to the active StripFolder using its name as key.
GetStripSectionAt Retrieve an existing StripSection using its internal index as key.
GetStripSectionIndex Retrieve the internal index of an existing StripSection maintained by the active StripFolder.
RemoveStripSection Remove an existing StripSection.
RemoveStripSectionAt Remove a specific StripSection from the active StripFolder using its index as key.

NRG - API 2022.4.384543 - Fri Nov 4 2022
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