
A strip section can consolidate multiple Strip available within the current Sequence. Once grouped together within the same section they can visually be identified and moved in batch.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
folder Parent StripFolder where the StripSection is defined.
strip_count Total amount of Strip contained in the active StripSection.
uid Unique id to identify the StripSection globally.


Name Description
name Unique name to identify the StripSection within its parent StripFolder.
color A color to visually identify the StripSection within the Sequence Editor.


Name Description
AddStrip Add a new Strip to the active StripSection.
GetStrip Helper function that retrieve the reference of a Strip that belongs to the active StripSection.
GetStripAt Retrieve an existing Strip contained in the current StripSection using its internal list index.
GetStripIndex Helper function that returns the internal index of a Strip that belongs to the active StripSection.
RemoveStrip Remove an existing Strip reference from the active StripGroup.
RemoveStripAt Remove a Strip from the active StripSection using its index as key.
SetStripIndex Select all Strip contained in the active StripSection.
SelectAllStartTime Select the start time of all Strip in the active StripSection.
SelectAllEndTime Select the end time of all Strip in the active StripSection.
DeselectAll Helper function that deselect all Strip contained in the current StripSection.
IsRangeSelected Determine if the range of all Strip contained in the current StripSection is selected.
GetStripSectionIndex Determine if the start time of all Strip in the StripSection is selected.
IsEndTimeSelected Determine if the end time of all Strip in the StripSection is selected.
GetStartTime Return the start time of the active StripSection based on the current Strip associated to it.
GetEndTime Return the end time of the active StripSection based on the current Strip associated to it.

NRG - API 2022.4.384543 - Fri Nov 4 2022
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