Project Introduction
Inspect the goals that you will achieve
by following this tutorials.
Session 1
Setting up the project, environment, initial
import of the level, bot+actions, gun & items.
Session 2
Create an action controller, Set up physics
for the level + bot and build a FPS camera.
Session 3
Start coding the bot controller and FPS
camera movements, gun & visual tweaks.
Session 4
Implement collectibles logic and items
pickup; blaster ray and shooting code.
Session 5
Import sound buffers and background
music; implement sound source and logic.
Session 6
Set up the navigation map, place items,
level profiling, occlusion map & occluders.
Session 7
NPC entity Set up and layout start and
respawn code; inital game testing.
Session 8
Implement AI code for NPC, Set up difficulty
level and implement player damage.
Session 9
Wrapping up the game by implementing a
HUD, import font and create dynamic texts.