Project Introduction
Learn more about the MicroLand project
scope, goals and learning curve.
Session 1
Set up the project and MicroLand scene,
update the environment and the skydome.
Session 2
Set up material & renderlayer presets and
import the asset library and the first level.
Session 3
Import the game character and Set up the
level collision map and misc. physics.
Session 4
Tune the visuals, Set up character physics,
create a 3rd camera using constraints.
Session 5
Code the player movements and jump
functionalities, Set up camera controls.
Session 6
Append actions to the game character,
Set up action blending using a controller.
Session 7
Implement game logic code and learn how
to Set up ghost physics to pick coins.
Session 8
Finalize the logic code, learn how to create
animation for the kinematic platforms.
Session 9
Wrapping up by adding ambient musics and
sounds FX, create audio triggers in code.