Official / Announcements / NRG v2021.4.376286
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Joined: Jan, 2021
Total Post: 73
NRG v2021.4.376286
Posted on: Dec. 12 2021 07:32 pm
We are currently preparing for the last release of 2021, the latest version is progressively updated across all stores and should be available everywhere in about 3 to 5 days. Here's a quick list of what's new in this version:


- Improved asset loading lock/unlock mechanism.
- Fix ortho camera debug update + draw.
- User can now update Map Tile Cache at runtime.
- Restores back vec3_angle_z to its original error checking version (safer).
- To ensure better compatibility across platforms GetUser now always adjust the file path and add a trail if necessary.
- Application pack now include files for all platforms.
- New GLTF v2.0 content pipeline with optional PBR+IBL shader.
- Existing COLLADA content pipeline improvements.
- Two new default built-in shader uniforms gfx_CameraPosition and gfx_CameraDirection.
- Recompiling custom Nodes now keep connections if definition structure remains unchanged.
- New Project Manager v2.0; link to resources and direct project downloads.
- Better external version control for Scripts and Shaders.
- New Lvm daemon that progressively force GC when main doesn't have enough time per frame to flush (controlled automatically by LUA_GCSETPAUSE).
- Import Sound buffer now automatically create an ambient or positional sound source based on the number of channels.
- Better support for file synchronization for scripts, utilities, shaders and textures (+ auto cube map update).
- Exclude folder(s) from publishing phase.
- Added optional software update notifications.
- Better compression using LZMA level 2.
- Asynchronous asset loading now report accurate script error.
- Application startup optimization for Player
- C/C++ plugins stability improvements.
- Editors (Node, Controller, Curve Picker, Preview etc...) uniform controls.
- Multiple performance and stability enhancements, various minor bug fix.

In addition, new revision of the NRGeditor Manual and the NRG API Documentation is now available.