Official / Announcements / NRG 2022.1.377663
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NRG 2022.1.377663
Posted on: Feb. 05 2022 02:25 am
The latest NRG version is now available. This version focus was more on stability and overall improvements and to increase the overall user experience. In 2022 we also introduce a brand new licensing strategy focusing on Independent Developers. For more information visit our Pricing page.


In addition to the new release an updated version of the NRGshowroom (v1.04) is also available introducing more functionalities with improved movements and visuals. Register now! to get access to the full project source and 2D/3D assets.

Find below the modest list of this update which is wrapping up all bugs that have been gather in 2021 marking the end of the year.

[ 2022.1.377663 ]
- Licensing options updates.
- Improved UI, Theme & Ide Settings.
- Improved EXR loader, supporting larger range of header formats.
- All know bugs fixed, stability and performance improvements.