Official / Announcements / Modern Game Dev. Without a PC?
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Joined: Jan, 2021
Total Post: 73
Modern Game Development without a PC?
Posted on: Oct. 29 2022 11:36 pm
A very interesting and innovative way of developing games and 3d applications without actually using a PC or a Laptop...

NRGeditor Developer's Preview for Android 2022.4 ]

NRGsandbox ]
For more information about the NRGsandbox project and structure, how to setup assets and how
to customize and integrate you own:

[ New Android Specific Shortcuts ]
. In case you get stuck on a black screen, use the Kill Switch - Ctrl+Shift+Q
. Variable Screen Resolution
        1. Properties | Application | Resolution
        2. Toggle Between Relative and Absolute using: Ctrl+Spacebar