Official / Announcements / New NRG v2021.2.371406 is now available for Download
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Joined: Jan, 2021
Total Post: 73
New NRG v2021.2.371406 is now available for Download
Posted on: May. 06 2021 02:30 pm
With more than 100+ bug fixes, new features and improvements v2021.2.371406 (download here) is the most stable and performant version yet. Find below the list of new functionalities and fix that have been included in this release:

- LightSource type World can now store 2nd degree spherical harmonics.
- LightSources save intensity now fixed.
- LightSource now only save kLightType specific data.
- Added new variant of SensorGetVolume to return volume by object name or id.
- Setting Object priority to 0xFFFF force drawing even when occluded.
- Added missing FracturedMesh in Sensor inclusion mask.
- Fix drawing of StaticMesh Manual LOD setting wrong lod_index.
- Accurate Sensor volume distance calculation.
- Occluder now work with Scene Streams.
- Fix orphan MorphTarget Mesh links.
- Fix Morph Target clear still sending SetMorphTargetMesh.
- COLLADA manual LOD unable to find last entry.
- COLLADA option to first check for existing assets before creating new one.
- Fix KTX Loader on Linux + Compatibility Improvements (now self-contained).
- Fix broken actions when adding Entity to a scene.
- External Clip Color to HEX auto. conversion.
- Fix COLLADA Morph target import name bug.
- Improved COLLADA importer stability and functionalities.
- Paths can now be deleted freely from the Library.
- Force full FBO rebind on size change; this allow to re-use attachment between FBO without having to Blit.
- MapPath resulting curves can now be linear or smooth.
- Text Object can now display a finite amount of characters.
- Each Text characters can now have independent offset and color.
- DEA path now import all points by default, not the one connect by the  line count.
- Added format for 4x MSAA framebuffer attachments (color and depth).
- Scripting variables can now safely be assigned to Actions on a  per-thread basis.
- Complete refactor of Probe to allow them to be used as 2D/3D projectors.
- WorldGenerateConstraintsFromContacts takes an additional parameter to enable or disable constraints generations against static or kinematic objects.
- Drag Fracture asset from Library to View3D now create a FracturedMesh.
- Added customizable digit rounding parameter for remove vertex doubles.
- FractureCleanSlices now also reset all existing Slices data.
- Fix async empty Tri. Mesh or ConvexHull crash.
- Improved profiler stability and reliability.
- Code Completion Improvements.
- Added Probe OnCapture event with face_type variable.
- New ProxySettings for authentication and software update.
- Allow World and Sun Lightsource Intensity.
- ActionSetSpeed API rapidly change the speed of all curves associated to an Action.
- Fix bug with non-square Cubemap FBO attachments.
- Many minor bug fixes (100+) that emphasis on consistency and stability.

Take note that both the Editor Manual and the API Documentation have been updated to the latest version as well.

Joined: Jan, 2021
Total Post: 73
NRG v2021.2.371643 is now available for Download
Posted on: May. 12 2021 11:46 am
Due to some changes in our subscription policy I was forced to release a new version relatively quickly. However this version still have a few bug and crashes fixed from what I've gather from the NRGshowroom. A few minor functionalities have still been added to the stack.


- Extract NPK now automatically set the Library write permissions without
having to reload the project.
- Improved profiler formatting.
- Fix Ldb arbitrary user break functionalities.
- New Timeline function to fix Euler rotations discontinuity.
- Minor bug fixes and stability improvements.
- New Subscription policy implementation.
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