- LightSource type World can now store 2nd degree spherical harmonics.
- LightSources save intensity now fixed.
- LightSource now only save kLightType specific data.
- Added new variant of SensorGetVolume to return volume by object name or id.
- Setting Object priority to 0xFFFF force drawing even when occluded.
- Added missing FracturedMesh in Sensor inclusion mask.
- Fix drawing of StaticMesh Manual LOD setting wrong lod_index.
- Accurate Sensor volume distance calculation.
- Occluder now work with Scene Streams.
- Fix orphan MorphTarget Mesh links.
- Fix Morph Target clear still sending SetMorphTargetMesh.
- COLLADA manual LOD unable to find last entry.
- COLLADA option to first check for existing assets before creating new one.
- Fix KTX Loader on Linux + Compatibility Improvements (now self-contained).
- Fix broken actions when adding Entity to a scene.
- External Clip Color to HEX auto. conversion.
- Fix COLLADA Morph target import name bug.
- Improved COLLADA importer stability and functionalities.
- Paths can now be deleted freely from the Library.
- Force full FBO rebind on size change; this allow to re-use attachment between FBO without having to Blit.
- MapPath resulting curves can now be linear or smooth.
- Text Object can now display a finite amount of characters.
- Each Text characters can now have independent offset and color.
- DEA path now import all points by default, not the one connect by the line count.
- Added format for 4x MSAA framebuffer attachments (color and depth).
- Scripting variables can now safely be assigned to Actions on a per-thread basis.
- Complete refactor of Probe to allow them to be used as 2D/3D projectors.
- WorldGenerateConstraintsFromContacts takes an additional parameter to enable or disable constraints generations against static or kinematic objects.
- Drag Fracture asset from Library to View3D now create a FracturedMesh.
- Added customizable digit rounding parameter for remove vertex doubles.
- FractureCleanSlices now also reset all existing Slices data.
- Fix async empty Tri. Mesh or ConvexHull crash.
- Improved profiler stability and reliability.
- Code Completion Improvements.
- Added Probe OnCapture event with face_type variable.
- New ProxySettings for authentication and software update.
- Allow World and Sun Lightsource Intensity.
- ActionSetSpeed API rapidly change the speed of all curves associated to an Action.
- Fix bug with non-square Cubemap FBO attachments.
- Many minor bug fixes (100+) that emphasis on consistency and stability.