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New NRGshowroom Demo
Posted on: May. 06 2021 02:55 pm
Along with the latest NRG release (available here) a new Demo is now available for download the NRGshowroom, you can access the download using the top menu Learning > NRGshowroom. This demo introduce each and every type of NRGobject available; it show using practical example how each Object can be used.

The Demo requires OpenGLES v3.1; as it uses the new MSAA 4x functionalities of Texture Attachments. Press the play button to get started; and use your Mouse and Keyboard for navigation. If you require more information about a specific Object type simply get closer to its associated stand and an explanation text will be displayed on screen just like in the screenshot below:


To learn more about how a specific Object is setup press the Esc key then select the Scene that you want to Edit and select the geometry RenderLayer and select the Object.

Based on the response of this Demo; we will probably do another one that will introduce extended Assets and Physics usage.