
This interface is built to handle number distribution for numbers (1d), points (2d) and vectors (3d). The base type the Distribution is using will have a direct impact on the way the numbers will clamp, generate or spread. Mostly use internally by ParticleNetwork to handle the multitude of ParticleModifier data; the distribution API can be use inside your application to handle dynamic numbers and more.

See Also


Handle the distribution of a single float value.

Static Variables

Name Description
immutable Access the NumberImmutable properties.
random Access the NumberRandom properties.
uniform Access the NumberUniform properties.
interpolate Access the NumberInterpolate properties.
driver Access the NumberDriver properties.


Properties of a single immutable value.


Name Description
constant Constant value.


Properties of a pseudo-random single value.


Name Description
min The lower edge used in the pseudo-random number generation.
max The upper edge used in the pseudo-random number generation.


Properties of a single uniform distribution.

Static Variables

Name Description
curve_min Curve that controls the minimum allowed value.
curve_max Curve that controls the maximum allowed value.


Name Description
cycle_mode_min Specify the CycleMode to use for the minimum Curve.
color_min A color to visually identify the curve_min inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
cycle_mode_max Specify the CycleMode to use for the maximum Curve.
color_max A color to visually identify the curve_max inside the Molecules Editor curve area.


Settings of a linear uni-dimensional value interpolation.


Name Description
from The starting point of the interpolation.
to The end point of the interpolation.


Access the related properties to control a driver distribution Curve for a single value.

Static Variables

Name Description
curve Internal Curve used by the NumberDriver to distribute values over time.


Name Description
cycle_mode CycleMode of the driver Curve.
color Color to visually identify the NumberDriver Curve inside the Molecules Editor curve area.


Handle the distribution of a two float values (a point).

Static Variables

Name Description
immutable Access the PointImmutable properties.
random Access the PointRandom properties.
uniform Access the PointUniform properties.
interpolate Access the PointInterpolate properties.
driver Access the PointDriver properties.


Name Description
proportional Force the first component X to be assigned to Y.


Properties of a point immutable value.


Name Description
constant Constant value.


Properties of a pseudo-random point value.


Name Description
min The lower edge used in the pseudo-random point generation.
max The upper edge used in the pseudo-random point generation.


Properties of a point uniform distribution.

Static Variables

Name Description
curve_min_x Curve that controls the minimum X value.
curve_min_y Curve that controls the maximum Y value.
curve_max_x Curve that controls the maximum X value.
curve_max_y Curve that controls the maximum Y value.


Name Description
cycle_mode_min_x Specify the CycleMode to use for the the min. X Curve.
cycle_mode_min_y Specify the CycleMode to use for the the min. Y Curve.
color_min_x A color to visually identify the curve_min_x inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
color_min_y A color to visually identify the curve_min_y inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
cycle_mode_max_x Specify the CycleMode to use for the max. X Curve.
cycle_mode_max_y Specify the CycleMode to use for the max. Y Curve.
color_max_x A color to visually identify the curve_max_x inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
color_max_y A color to visually identify the curve_max_y inside the Molecules Editor curve area.


Settings of a linear two-dimensional value interpolation.


Name Description
from The start value of the interpolation.
to The end value of the interpolation.


Access the related properties to control a driver distribution Curve for a two-dimensional value.

Static Variables

Name Description
curve_x Internal Curve used by the PointDriver to distribute of the X value over time.
curve_y Internal Curve used by the PointDriver to distribute of the Y value over time.


Name Description
cycle_mode_x CycleMode of the driver X Curve.
color_x Color to visually identify the PointDriver X Curve inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
cycle_mode_y CycleMode of the driver Y Curve.
color_y Color to visually identify the PointDriver Y Curve inside the Molecules Editor curve area.


Handle the distribution of a three float values (a vector).

Static Variables

Name Description
immutable Access the VectorImmutable properties.
random Access the VectorRandom properties.
uniform Access the VectorUniform properties.
interpolate Access the VectorInterpolate properties.
driver Access the VectorDriver properties.


Name Description
proportional Force the first component X to be assigned to Y and Z.


Properties of a single vector value.


Name Description
constant Constant value of the VectorDistribution.


Properties of an immutable vector value.


Name Description
min The lower edge used in the pseudo-random vector generation.
max The upper edge used in the pseudo-random vector generation.


Properties of a vector uniform distribution.

Static Variables

Name Description
curve_min_x Curve that controls the minimum X value.
curve_min_y Curve that controls the maximum Y value.
curve_min_z Curve that controls the minimum Z value.
curve_max_x Curve that controls the maximum X value.
curve_max_y Curve that controls the maximum Y value.
curve_max_z Curve that controls the maximum Z value.


Name Description
cycle_mode_min_x Specify the CycleMode to use for the the min. X Curve.
cycle_mode_min_y Specify the CycleMode to use for the the min. Y Curve.
cycle_mode_min_z Specify the CycleMode to use for the the min. Z Curve.
color_min_x A color to visually identify the curve_min_x inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
color_min_y A color to visually identify the curve_min_y inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
color_min_z A color to visually identify the curve_min_z inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
cycle_mode_max_x Specify the CycleMode to use for the max. X Curve.
cycle_mode_max_y Specify the CycleMode to use for the max. Y Curve.
cycle_mode_max_z Specify the CycleMode to use for the max. Z Curve.
color_max_x A color to visually identify the curve_max_x inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
color_max_y A color to visually identify the curve_max_y inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
color_max_z A color to visually identify the curve_max_z inside the Molecules Editor curve area.


Settings of a linear three-dimensional value interpolation.


Name Description
from The start value of the interpolation.
to The end value of the interpolation.


Access the related properties to control a driver distribution Curve for a vector value.

Static Variables

Name Description
curve_x Internal Curve used by the VectorDriver to distribute of the X value over time.
curve_y Internal Curve used by the VectorDriver to distribute of the Y value over time.
curve_z Internal Curve used by the VectorDriver to distribute of the Z value over time.


Name Description
cycle_mode_x CycleMode of the driver X Curve.
color_x Color to visually identify the VectorDriver X Curve inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
cycle_mode_y CycleMode of the driver Y Curve.
color_y Color to visually identify the VectorDriver Y Curve inside the Molecules Editor curve area.
cycle_mode_z CycleMode of the driver Z Curve.
color_z Color to visually identify the VectorDriver Z Curve inside the Molecules Editor curve area.


Various types that can be applied to any sort of number distribution.

  • kImmutable: Static number.
  • kRandom: Pseudo-random number between two edges.
  • kUniform: Min. and max. values are controlled by two curves.
  • kInterpolate: Linear interpolation between edges.
  • kDriver: The distribution value is controlled by one or multiple Curve.

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