
A particle modifier is a node attached to a ParticleEmitter that implements behaviors and functionalities to the life cycle of a particle.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
particleemitter Parent ParticleEmitter where the current ParticleModifier is attached to.
data Properties accessible based on the ParticleModifierType of the active ParticleModifier.
uid Unique id to globally identify the ParticleModifier


Name Description
flags Bit mask of options currently assigned to the ParticleModifier.
name A unique name to identify the ParticleModifier within its parent ParticleEmitter.
enabled Controls whether or not the active ParticleModifier should be enabled (true) or disabled (false).


Add a cycle to the emitter. The cycle time of an emitter can be used by other modifiers to determine if the value they should update should relative to the emitter cycle time or the emitter playback time.


Name Description
loop Determine if the cycle should loop when the time limit is reached.
time Cycle time (1.0 = 1sec).


Delays the emission of particles and any subsequence cycles that are controlled by the SpanModifier if any.


Name Description
time Amount of time the emission phase should be delayed.


Probably the most common modifier that you will use to emit particles. This modifier is the generic interface to continuously create and launch particles in space. Theses types of modifiers generally launch particles overtime based on a specific rate.


Name Description
speed NumberDistribution to control the emission speed.
rate NumberDistribution that controls the Particles emission rate.
lifetime Control the particle lifetime NumberDistribution.


Very similar to the SpawnModifier but work on the emitter of the type kSource. This modifier controls how many particles should be emitted for each source particle sample.


Name Description
rate NumberDistribution that controls how many particles should created for each source particle.
lifetime Control the particle lifetime NumberDistribution.



Name Description
target Optional Object uid to calculate the direction of the branch.
target_bone If the target is a SkeletalMesh on optional Bone can be set to affect the direction of the branch samples.
distribution Factor that control the percentage of samples that can be branched.
resolution NumberDistribution that controls the how many times the distance should be splitted.
rotation VectorDistribution that controls the amount of rotation that should be applied on the overall direction vector at each branching point.
distance NumberDistribution allowing you to control the maximum distance from the source particle towards the branching direction vector.
lifetime NumberDistribution that defines the amount of time the new particle (branch root) can live.
displacement Optional offset controlled by a VectorDistribution that can be used to translate the new particles forward or backward in the branch direction.


Default burst modifier to create a small "puff" of particles using a predefined playback time(s). Take note this modifier is compatible with the SpanModifier allowing you to loop the burst cycles.

Static Variables

Name Description
count Total amount of burst the modifier should emit.


Name Description
lifetime NumberDistribution to control the amount of lifetime assigned to each particles during the emission phase.


Name Description
Clear Clear the burst slots.
Add A a new slot burst.
Set Set the parameter of a specifi burst slot.
Remove Remove a specific burst slot.


Constantly emits a burst of particles.


Name Description
rate NumberDistribution that controls how many Particles should be created on each burst.
lifetime Control the lifetime NumberDistribution for each new particle created upon burst.


Set the initial single floating point value for a specific ParticleDataType.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
operation The Operation to apply on the source.
value The NumberDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


Set the initial single floating point value of a ParticleDataType contain in a specific layer.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
layer_index The layer index to perform the operation.
operation The Operation to apply on the source.
value The NumberDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


Execute operation on a single floating point value for a specific ParticleDataType.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
operation The Operation to apply on the source.
relative Determine if the operation should be relative to the Particles lifetime or to the ParticleEmitter duration.
value The NumberDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


Execute operation on a single floating point value for a specific ParticleDataType.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
layer_index The layer index to perform the operation.
operation The Operation to apply on the source.
relative Determine if the operation should be relative to the Particles lifetime or to the ParticleEmitter duration.
value The NumberDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


Set the initial two-dimensional vector of floating point values for a specific ParticleDataType.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
operation The Vector Operation to apply on the source.
value The PointDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


Execute operation on a two-dimensional vector of floating point values for a specific ParticleDataType.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
operation The Vector Operation to apply on the source.
relative Determine if the operation should be relative to the Particles lifetime or to the ParticleEmitter duration.
value The PointDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


Set the initial single floating point value for a specific ParticleDataType.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
operation The Vector Operation to apply on the source.
value The VectorDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


Set the initial single floating point value of a ParticleDataType contain in a specific layer.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
layer_index The layer index to perform the operation.
operation The Vector Operation to apply on the source.
value The VectorDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


Execute operation on a single floating point value for a specific ParticleDataType.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
operation The Vector Operation to apply on the source.
relative Determine if the operation should be relative to the Particles lifetime or to the ParticleEmitter duration.
value The VectorDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


Execute operation on a single floating point value for a specific ParticleDataType.


Name Description
source The ParticleDataType to set the initial value for.
layer_index The layer index to perform the operation.
operation The Vector Operation to apply on the source.
relative Determine if the operation should be relative to the Particles lifetime or to the ParticleEmitter duration.
value The VectorDistribution value to perform the modifier operation.


A modifier that allows you to build a bit mask of render layer cap that will dictate on which render layer(s) a new Matter should be placed on.


Name Description
mask Bit mask of RenderLayer cap.


This modifier allows you to specify a collision layer mask and a collision layer filter to apply when using Particles physics. The filter and mask will be used to determine the CollisionLayer the Particles will be placed and collide with.


Name Description
mask Bit mask of CollisionLayer cap that reprents on which layer(s) the Particles will be placed.
filter Bit mask of CollisionLayer cap that reprents on which layer(s) the Particles will collide with.


A modifier that enable Particles collision.


Name Description
margin Collision margin of the Particles to prevent penetration.
destroy Control the russian roulette factor to kill particles.
steps Controls the amount of physics iterations to evaluate collision.
relative Specify if the restitution NumberDistribution should be relative or not.
restitution NumberDistribution that controls the restitution of the Particles.


Use the ParticleEmitter pivot point and the initial particle position to calculate a direction vector that will be affected to the velocity of the Particles.


Name Description
pivot VectorDistribution that apply an offset to the ParticleEmitter pivot point in local space.


Specify the tri-dimensional goal of a kWire.


Name Description
target Object unique id that the wire will use as goal.
target_bone Specify an optional (>-1) Bone index in case the target is a SkeletalMesh to use as goal.


Allow you to use a Texture atlas to select a cell and its coordinates to apply on Particles.


Name Description
layer_index Specify the layer index where to apply the texture coordinates calculated by the atlas.
randomize If turned on; do not use the cell index distribution and choose a random cell from the atlas grid.
width The width of the texture atlas in pixels.
height The height of the texture atlas in pixels.
cell_width The width of a unique cell in pixels.
cell_height The height of a unique cell in pixels.
cell_index Control the cell index NumberDistribution that will be assigned to particles.


Copy the Texture coordinates from the source particle to the active particle.


Name Description
from_layer The source texture coordinate layer index.
to_layer The destination texture coordinate layer index.


Adjust the Particles size based on their active velocity value.


Name Description
min_clamp Minimum value to clamp the size to.
max_clamp Maximum value to clamp the size to.
relative Determine whether or not the factor distribution should be relative.
factor NumberDistribution determining the Particles size stretch factor.


Use a Texture atlas to progressively change the Particles texture coordinates creating an animation sequence.


Name Description
layer_index Specify wich texture coordinate layer the modifier should update.
relative Select a cell based on the Particles duration vs its lifetime.
width The width of the texture atlas in pixels.
height The height of the texture atlas in pixels.
cell_width The width of a unique cell in pixels.
cell_height The height of a unique cell in pixels.


Add extra translation to the particle using trigonometric functions allowing you to create arcs, spheres, swirls, twirls, torus and a lot more by combining multiple ArcModifier.


Name Description
trigo_func The trigonometric function to use.
axis Specify the axis the modifier will be operating on.
radius_relative Specify wheter or not the radius distribution should be relative.
radius NumberDistribution controlling the radius.
angle_relative Control wheter or not the angular distribution should be relative.
angle NumberDistribution that controls the angle.


Make particles orbit and tumble (velocity align) around their emission point applying sin/cos on the X and Y axis.


Name Description
radius_relative Determine if the radius distribution should be relative.
radius NumberDistribution that controls the distance of the orbit.
angle_relative Specify if the angle distribution should be relative or not.
angle NumberDistribution that controls the angle of the orbit.
velocity_align Force the Particles to be align with their velocity.


Add noise to the initial particle's position based on their index.


Name Description
start The particle index to begin with.
stride Specify the step size.
count Max. amount of particles affected by the noise.
value VectorDistribution that controls the level of noise to apply.


Update the amount of noise applied to particles.


Name Description
start The particle index to begin with.
stride The step size.
count Control how many particles should be affected by the noise update.
relative Specify if the noise value distribution should be relative or not.
value VectorDistribution that dictate the noise level to apply.
frequency NumberDistribution that controls the update frequency in Mhz.


Use a custom direction vector to force each particle orientation to look towards it.


Name Description
relative Control if the direction vector distribution should be relative or not.
direction VectorDistribution that controls the direction vector to align the particles.


Use a custom direction vector to force each particle orientation to look towards it.


Name Description
axis The billboard alignment axis.


Force a particle to be destroyed using a custom condition defined by the user.


Name Description
source The source ParticleDataType to evaluate.
axis_type The vector component to evaluate.
func Control which logical expression to use.
value NumberDistribution that specify the value to evaluate during the logical operation.


Destroy a particle if it reaches a specific distance with a point in 3d space.


Name Description
target Unique id of the Object use as reference point.
target_bone If the target is a SkeletalMesh optionally a Bone index can be specified.
relative Control wether or not the treshold distribution should be relative.
threshold NumberDistribution that controls the threshold level for absorbtion.


Access the properties of a ParticleModifier according to the ParticleModifierType (type variable) used at creation time. If the type does not match the modifier properties you are trying to access a nil value will be returned.

Static Variables

Name Description
type The ParticleModifierType of the active ParticleModifier.
span Access the SpanModifier properties.
delay Access the DelayModifier properties.
spawn Access the SpawnModifier properties.
sample_spawn Access the SpawnModifier properties of the kSampleSpawn modifier.
branch_spawn Access the BranchSpawnModifier properties.
burst Access the BurstModifier properties.
constant_burst Access the ConstantBurstModifier properties.
source_create_burst Access the ConstantBurstModifier properties of a kSourceCreateBurst modifier.
source_destroy_burst Access the ConstantBurstModifier properties of a kSourceDestroyBurst modifier.
combustion Access the CombustionModifier properties.
initial_lifetime Access the InitialData1fModifier properties of a kInitialLifetime modifier.
initial_source_lifetime Access the InitialData1fModifier properties of a kInitialSourceLifetime modifier.
lifetime Access the Data1fModifier properties of a kLifetime modifier.
source_lifetime Access the Data1fModifier properties of a kSourceLifetime modifier.
initial_duration Access the InitialData1fModifier properties of a kInitialDuration modifier.
initial_source_duration Access the InitialData1fModifier properties of a kInitialSourceDuration modifier.
duration Access the Data1fModifier properties of a kDuration modifier.
source_duration Access the Data1fModifier properties of a kSourceDuration modifier.
initial_size Access the InitialData2fModifier properties of a kInitialSize modifier.
initial_source_size Access the InitialData2fModifier properties of a kInitialSourceSize modifier.
size Access the Data2fModifier properties of a kSize modifier.
source_size Access the Data2fModifier properties of a kSourceSize modifier.
initial_rotation Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialRotation modifier.
initial_source_rotation Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialSourceRotation modifier.
rotation Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kRotation modifier.
source_rotation Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kSourceRotation modifier.
initial_scale Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialScale modifier.
initial_source_scale Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialSourceScale modifier.
scale Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kScale modifier.
source_scale Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kSourceScale modifier.
initial_rgb Access the InitialData3f1iModifier properties of a kInitialRGB modifier.
initial_source_rgb Access the InitialData3f1iModifier properties of a kInitialSourceRGB modifier.
rgb Access the Data3f1iModifier properties of a kRGB modifier.
source_rgb Access the Data3f1iModifier properties of a kSourceRGB modifier.
initial_userdata Access the InitialData3f1iModifier properties of a kInitialUserdata modifier.
initial_source_userdata Access the InitialData3f1iModifier properties of a kInitialSourceUserdata modifier.
userdata Access the Data3f1iModifier properties of a kUserdata modifier.
source_userdata Access the Data3f1iModifier properties of a kSourceUserdata modifier.
initial_alpha Access the InitialData1fModifier properties of a kInitialAlpha modifier.
initial_source_alpha Access the InitialData1fModifier properties of a kInitialSourceAlpha modifier.
alpha Access the Data1fModifier properties of a kAlpha modifier.
source_alpha Access the Data1fModifier properties of a kSourceAlpha modifier.
initial_velocity Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialVelocity modifier.
initial_source_velocity Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialSourceVelocity modifier.
velocity Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kVelocity modifier.
source_velocity Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kSourceVelocity modifier.
initial_force Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialForce modifier.
initial_source_force Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialSourceForce modifier.
force Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kForce modifier.
source_force Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kSourceForce modifier.
initial_force Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialOffset modifier.
initial_source_force Access the InitialData3fModifier properties of a kInitialSourceOffset modifier.
force Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kOffset modifier.
source_force Access the Data3fModifier properties of a kSourceOffset modifier.
renderlayer Access the RenderLayerModifier properties of a kRenderLayer modifier.
collisionlayer Access the CollisionLayerModifier properties of a kCollisionLayer modifier.
collision Access the CollisionModifier properties of a kCollision modifier.
goal Access the GoalModifier properties of a kGoal modifier.
central_velocity Access the CentralVelocityModifier properties of a kCentralVelocity modifier.
atlas Access the AtlasModifier properties of a kAtlas modifier.
source_uv Access the SourceUVModifier properties of a kSourceUV modifier.
stretch_by_velocity Access the StretchByVelocityModifier properties of a kStretchByVelocity modifier.
atlas Access the AnimationModifier properties of a kAnimation modifier.
arc Access the ArcModifier properties of a kArc modifier.
orbit Access the OrbitModifier properties of a kOrbit modifier.
initial_noise Access the InitialNoiseModifier properties of a kInitialNoise modifier.
noise Access the NoiseModifier properties of a kNoise modifier.
align Access the AlignModifier properties of a kAlign modifier.
billboard Access the BillboardModifier properties of a kBillboard modifier.
destroy Access the DestroyModifier properties of a kDestroy modifier.
absorb Access the AbsorbModifier properties of a kAbsorb modifier.


Available types of particles modifier. Each modifier handle a specific task that can be combined with other modifiers.

Take note that ParticleModifier are always executed in the same order, they are found in the internal list maintained by the parent ParticleEmitter. Base on that position the modifier behavior might be altered or overwritten by another.

  • kSpan: Add a cycle to the emitter. The cycle time of an emitter can be used by modifiers to determine if the value they should update should relative to the emitter cycle time or the emitter playback time.
  • kDelay: Delays the emission of particles and any subsequence cycles that are controlled by the SpanModifier if any.
  • kSpawn: Probably the most common modifier that you will use to emit particles. This modifier is the generic interface to continuously create and launch particles in space. These types of modifiers generally launch particles over time based on a specific rate.
  • kSampleSpawn: Very similar to the SpawnModifier but work on the emitter of the type kSource. This modifier controls how many particles should be emitted for each source particle sample.
  • kBurst: Default burst modifier to create a small "puff" of particles using a predefined playback time(s). Take note this modifier is compatible with the SpanModifier allowing you to loop the burst cycles.
  • kConstantBurst: Constantly emits a burst of particles.
  • kSourceCreateBurst: Available when the emission type is set to kSource, this modifier will generate a burst every time a new source particle is created.
  • kSourceDestroyBurst: Available when the emission type is set to kSource, this modifier will generate a burst of particles for each source particle that gets destroyed.
  • kCombustion: Emit particles using the active particle system object acceleration.
  • kBranchSpawn: Valid for an emitter that uses the kSource type; this emission modifier will emit in branches for each particle of the source emitter. It is ideal to create an effect such as lighting or electricity.
  • kInitialLifetime: Controls the initial lifetime value of the particle.
  • kInitialSourceLifetime: Set the active particle initial lifetime using of the referenced particle data.
  • kLifetime: Update the particle lifetime data.
  • kSourceLifetime: Update the particle lifetime using the source particle data.
  • kInitialDuration: Controls the initial duration of the particle.
  • kInitialSourceDuration: Set the active particle initial duration using of the referenced particle data.
  • kDuration: Update the particle duration data.
  • kSourceDuration: Update the particle duration using the source particle data.
  • kInitialSize: Controls the initial size of the particles on the X and Y axis before transformation additional transformation is applied.
  • kInitialSourceSize: Set the active particle initial size using of the referenced particle data.
  • kSize: Update the particle size data.
  • kSourceSize: Update the particle size using the source particle data.
  • kInitialRotation: Specify the initial XYZ rotation of the particle. Only available when the type of particle is set to Sprite (a tri-dimensional quad).
  • kInitialSourceRotation: Update the particle rotation using the source particle data.
  • kRotate: Update the particle rotation data.
  • kSourceRotate: Update the particle rotation using the source particle data.
  • kInitialScale: Controls the initial scale of the particle on the XYZ axis.
  • kInitialSourceScale: Set the active particle initial scale using of the referenced particle data.
  • kScale: Update the particle scale data.
  • kSourceScale: Update the particle scale using the source particle data.
  • kInitialRGB: The initial RGB value of the particle.
  • kInitialSourceRGB: Set the active particle initial color using of the referenced particle data.
  • kRGB: Update the particle color data.
  • kSourceRGB: Update the particle color using the source particle data.
  • kInitialUserData: To give more flexibility another data type is available; the user data type, it contains up to 4 layers and can be used to store any type of information using a vector.
  • kInitialSourceUserData: Set the active particle initial user data using of the referenced particle data.
  • kUserData: Update the particle user data.
  • kSourceUserData: Update the particle user data using the source particle data.
  • kInitialAlpha: The initial alpha value of the particle.
  • kInitialSourceAlpha: Set the active particle initial alpha using of the referenced particle data.
  • kAlpha: Update the particle alpha value.
  • kSourceAlpha: Update the particle alpha using the source particle data.
  • kInitialVelocity: Set the initial velocity value of the particle; control how fast and in which direction the particle will be moving.
  • kInitialSourceVelocity: Set the active particle initial velocity using of the referenced particle data.
  • kVelocity: Update the particle velocity data.
  • kSourceVelocity: Update the particle velocity using the source particle data.
  • kInitialForce: Set the initial force value for the particle. Not to be confused with velocity; the force is a value to represent something like gravity or wind either pushing or pulling a particle. Velocity and force are working in conjunction.
  • kInitialSourceForce: Set the active particle initial force using of the referenced particle data.
  • kForce: Update the particle force data.
  • kSourceForce: Update the particle force using the source particle data.
  • kInitialOffset: Translate the initial particle location by adding an offset on the XYZ axis.
  • kInitialSourceOffset: Set the active particle initial offset using of the referenced particle data.
  • kOffset: Update the particle offset data.
  • kSourceOffset: Update the particle offset using the source particle data.
  • kTransferVelocity: Use the active ParticleSystem acceleration to initialize the velocity of the particles.
  • kCentralVelocity: Use the particle emitter pivot point and the initial particle position to calculate a direction vector that will be affected to the velocity of the particle.
  • kDirectionalVelocity: Rotate the default up axis (+Z) by the emitter transformation to calculate the particle velocity direction.
  • kRenderLayer: Specify on which RenderLayer the new matter should be placed on.
  • kCollisionLayer: By default, when adding the Collision modifier that particles will interact will all collision layers. This modifier allows you to control which collision layer the particles can collide with.
  • kCollisionCallback: Force the system to trigger an OnContact callback every time a particle collides with something in the physics world. More detailed information about the collision will be sent to the script or plugin callback function.
  • kCollision: Enable particle collision.
  • kGoal: Available when the particle emission is set to kWire this modifier gives you the ability to set a goal in 3d space for the wire to reach.
  • kAtlas: Use a texture atlas to select the texture coordinate that should be used by the new particle.
  • kSourceUV: Copy the texture coordinate from the source particle to the active particle.
  • kStretchByVelocity: Adjust the particle sizes depending on their active velocity.
  • kDestroyOnSourceLoss: Available when the emission type is set to kSource; this modifier force the particles to be destroyed if the source particle it references to died.
  • kAnimation: Use a texture atlas to progressively change the particles texture coordinate creating an animation sequence.
  • kArc: Add extra translation to the particle using trigonometric functions allowing you to create arcs, sphere, swirl, torus and a lot more. Works best when the angle parameter is relative and combined with other Arc modifiers.
  • kOrbit: Make particles orbit and tumble (velocity align) around their emission point applying sin/cos on the X and Y axis.
  • kInitialNoise: Add noise to the initial particle position based on their index.
  • kNoise: Update the particle noise data.
  • kLookAt: Force each particle orientation to point to the active RenderLayer Camera the ParticleSystem is drawn on.
  • kAlign: Use a custom direction vector to force each particle orientation to look towards it.
  • kAlignToVelocity: Use the particle velocity vector to align the orientation of the particle.
  • kBillboard: Force all particles to be aligned to a specific world axis.
  • kSort: Quickly sort particles using their actual distance with the active RenderLayer Camera.
  • kDestroy: Force a particle to be destroyed using a custom condition defined by the user.
  • kNormalToVelocity: This modifier does not have any parameters; working only with an emitter that is using shape as an emission source. Using it will force the addition of the velocity data and will use the vertex normal of the geometry (if available) as velocity.
  • kAbsorb: Destroy a particle if it reaches a specific distance with a point in 3d space.


Operations that can be applied to a single single floating point value.

Value Operation Description
0 mov Affect the source parameter.
1 add Add the source parameter.
2 sub Subtract the source parameter.
3 mul Multiply the source parameter.
4 div Divide the source parameter.
5 sin Affect the sine of the source parameter.
6 cos Affect the cosine of the source parameter.
7 tan Affect the tangent of the source parameter.
8 asin Affect the arc sine of the source parameter.
9 acos Affect the arc cosine of the source parameter.
10 atan Affect the arc tangent of the source parameter.
11 pow Affect the power (source parameter,distribution) of the source parameter.
12 log Affect the natural logarithm of the source parameter.
13 round Affect the nearest integer of the source parameter.
14 abs Affect the absolute value of the source parameter.
15 min Affect the lesser of the two values (source parameter,distribution).
16 min Affect the greater of the two values (source parameter,distribution).
17 inv Affect the inverse of the source parameter.

Vector Operation

Operations that can be applied to a two-dimensional a vector of floating point values.

Value Operation Description
0 mov Affect the source parameter.
1 add Add the source parameter.
2 sub Subtract the source parameter.
3 mul Multiply the source parameter.
4 div Divide the source parameter.
5 sin Affect the sine of the source parameter.
6 cos Affect the cosine of the source parameter.
7 tan Affect the tangent of the source parameter.
8 asin Affect the arc sine of the source parameter.
9 acos Affect the arc cosine of the source parameter.
10 atan Affect the arc tangent of the source parameter.
11 pow Affect the power (source parameter,distribution) of the source parameter.
12 log Affect the natural logarithm of the source parameter.
13 round Affect the nearest integer of the source parameter.
14 abs Affect the absolute value of the source parameter.
15 min Affect the lesser of the two values (source parameter,distribution).
16 min Affect the greater of the two values (source parameter,distribution).
17 inv Affect the inverse of the source parameter.
18 cross Return the cross product between two values (source parameter,distribution).
19 norm Normalize the source parameter.

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