Name | Description |
priority | Value used by the sound queue system to determine the active SoundSource priority. |
Declaration Range 0 to 255
option | PresetOption set for the active SoundSource. |
speaker_type | Defines the way the sound of the active SoundSource is emitted in space. |
distance_model | Custom DistanceModel to apply to the SoundSource. |
Declaration DistanceModel distance_model
pitch | Controls the internal playback speed of the SoundBuffer associated to the active SoundSource. |
Declaration Range 0.5 to 2.0
gain | Controls the volume of the active SoundSource. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 1.0
air_absorption | Multiplier to the amount of air absorption applied to the SoundSource. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 10.0 - Note
- This value it is multiplied by an internal gain value per meter which represents normal atmospheric humidity and temperature.
room_rolloff_factor | Additional factor to the SoundSource roll-off factor which is used to attenuate the reflected sound according to the source-listener distance. |
Declaration float room_rolloff_factor Range 0.0 to 10.0
min_gain | Minimum amount of gain that can be applied to the SoundSource. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 1.0 - Note
- This value will be used to clamp the gain if it goes below that level. If a value of zero is set, then the gain will not be corrected.
max_gain | Defines the amplitude threshold and indicates the maximal gain that can be applied to the SoundSource. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 1.0 - Note
- This value will be used to clamp the gain if it goes above that level after processing various attenuation factors.
rolloff_factor | Affect the distance attenuation calculations based on inverse distance with the roll off. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to inf. - Note
- For distances smaller than the value set in max. distance this will scale the distance attenuation over the applicable range (taking ref. distance into consideration).
max_distance | Maximum distance the sound should still be heard. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to inf. - Note
- The attenuation will be interpolated (based on the attenuation model selected in the sound settings) between the reference distance and the maximum distance.
reference_distance | Act as the minimum distance the SoundSource should be emitting at full capacity. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to inf.
cone_outer_gain | Define the volume level outside of the cone defined by the outer angle. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 1.0
cone_outer_gain_hf | The high-frequency gain of the outside cone defined by the outer angle. |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 1.0
cone_inner_angle | The inner angle of the directional SoundSource cone (in degree). |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 360.0 degrees - Note
- The default value of 360 degrees means that the inner angle covers the entire distance, which is equivalent to an omnidirectional (positional) SoundSource.
cone_outer_angle | The outside angle of the directional SoundSource cone (in degree). |
Declaration Range 0.0 to 360.0 degrees - Note
- The default value of 360 means that the outer angle covers the entire source radius. If the inner angle is also 360, then the zone for angle-dependent attenuation is set to zero.
effectslot_mask | Bit mask created from EffectSlot flags that tell the system which AudioEffect should be applied on the SoundSource. |
Declaration EffectSot effectslot_mask
velocity | Current SoundSource velocity vector. |
Declaration - Note
- Only apply when the SoundSource SpeakerType is either
kDirection or kPositional ; else will always be zero.
state | Active playback state of the SoundSource. |
warmstart | The amount of time to seek before starting the playback of the SoundSource. |
flags | Bit mask of various options currently applied to the SoundSource. |
Cap | Value | Description |
SND_FLAG_AUTO_PLAY | bit.lshift(1,0) | Notify the internal system that the SoundSource should start playing immediately when loaded. |
SND_FLAG_AUTO_LOOP | bit.lshift(1,1) | Rewind the SoundSource when the end of the SoundBuffer is reached. |
SND_FLAG_AUTO_VELOCITY | bit.lshift(1,2) | Automatically calculate and update the velocity of the SoundSource. |
SND_FLAG_AUTO_DELETE | bit.lshift(1,3) | Remove the SoundSource Object as soon as it stops playing. |
SND_FLAG_RANDOMIZE_WARMSTART | bit.lshift(1,4) | Randomize the warmstart time. |
auto_play | Specify to the internal system that the SoundSource should start playing as soon it is loaded. |
auto_loop | Loop back the SoundSource when the end of the audio stream is reached. |
auto_velocity | Let the internal system calculate and update the velocity of the SoundSource. |
Declaration - Note
- Only apply for
kPositional and kDirectional SoundSource Object that are not static.
auto_delete | Automatically remove the SoundSource from the Scene it belong when it stops playing. |
randomize_warmstart | Randomize the warmstart time before playback. |
Name | Description |
SetSoundBuffer | Connect an existing SoundBuffer Asset to the active SoundSource. |
Declaration void SetSoundBuffer( SoundBuffer *soundbuffer ) Parameters
soundbuffer : Reference to an existing SoundBuffer; to disconnect the Asset set it to nil .
EnableStreaming | Enable SoundBuffer streaming. |
Declaration bool EnableStreaming( unsigned char buffer_count, unsigned short buffer_size ) Parameters
Stop | Helper to modify the current streaming buffer configuration. |
Declaration bool SetStreamingBuffers( unsigned char buffer_count, unsigned short buffer_size ) Parameters
DisableStreaming | Disable streaming and destroy all allocated buffers. |
Declaration bool DisableStreaming( void ) Return Value
true if sound streaming is disabled successfully; false if the SoundSource had no streaming capabilities.
Play | Start/resume the active SoundSource playback. |
Declaration Return Value
true if the SoundSource start/resume playing successfully; false if it was already playing.
Pause | Pause the active SoundSource playback. |
Declaration Return Value
true if the SoundSource pause successfully; false if it was already paused.
Stop | Stop the active SoundSource playback. |
Declaration Return Value
true if the SoundSource stop playing; false if it was not already playing.
Seek | Move the audio stream to a specific time where 1.0 = 1sec. . |
Declaration void Seek( float playback_time ) Parameters
playback_time : The new playback time to jump to.
GetPlaybackTime | Return the current playback time for the active SoundSource. |
Declaration float GetPlaybackTime( void ) Return Value
The current playback time where 1.0 = 1sec. .
GetDuration | Helper function that return the total duration of the SoundSource audio stream. |
Declaration float GetDuration( void )
GetBuffersQueued | Function that returns the current amount of queued buffers. |
Declaration int GetBuffersQueued( void ) Return Value
The number of queued buffer.
- Note
- If streaming is not enabled the value returned by this function will always be 0. Streaming should be enabled to receive any valid value from this function.
SetAudioFilter | Connect an AudioFilter to the existing SoundSource. |
Declaration void SetAudioFilter( AudioFilter *audiofilter ) Parameters
SetEffectSlotAudioFilter | Assign an existing AudioFilter to a specific slot. |
Declaration bool SetEffectSlotAudioFilter( unsigned char slot, AudioFilter *audiofilter ) Parameters
HideAll | Retrieve the AudioFilter connected to a specific slot. |
Declaration AudioFilter *GetEffectSlotAudioFilter( unsigned char slot ) Return Value
nil if the slot index provided is out of bounds or if no AudioFilter is connected to it.
ClearEffectSlotAudioFilters | Clear all the AudioFilter slots connected to the active SoundSource. |
Declaration void ClearEffectSlotAudioFilters( void )
Sync | Force to update and synchronize all AudioFilter slots associated with the current SoundSource. |