At runtime each animation elements that tagged as running is then handled by the Animator
(Anm). that will process evaluate and update all queued structures of an animation that have been set to playback.
Name | Description |
AddAction | Add a new Action to the animation structure. |
Declaration Action *AddAction( const char *name ) Return Value
On success return a new Action.
GetAction | Retrieve a specific Action by its name. |
Declaration Action *GetAction( const char *name ) Return Value
If found return the Action specified by the name parameter; else return nil .
GetActionAt | Retrieve an Action based on its index. |
Declaration Action *GetActionAt( unsigned short index ) Return Value
On success return the Action at the specified index ; else return nil .
GetActionIndex | Get the index of a specific Action. |
Declaration int GetActionIndex( const Action *action ) Parameters
action : An existing Action that belongs to the source animation.
Return Value
If found return the action index; else return -1 .
RemoveAction | Remove a specific action from an animation. |
Declaration bool RemoveAction( Action *action ) Parameters
action : An existing action that belongs to the animation action list.
Return Value
true if the function have actually remove something; else return false .
RemoveActionAt | Remove an action based on its index. |
Declaration bool RemoveActionAt( int index ) Parameters
index : Specify the action index to remove from the action list.
Return Value
true if the function have actually remove something; else return false .
SwapActions | Swap two actions based on their index. |
Declaration bool SwapActions( unsigned short index0, unsigned short index1 ) Parameters
index0 : The first action index.
index1 : The second action index.
Return Value
true if both index are valid and the actions have been swapped; else return false .
AddActionController | Create a new ActionController. |
Declaration ActionController *AddActionController( const char *name ) Parameters
Return Value
The newly created ActionController.
GetActionController | Retrieve a specific ActionController using its name as key. |
Declaration ActionController *GetActionController( const char *name ) Parameters
Return Value
If found; the function will return the ActionController, else nil .
GetActionControllerAt | Return the ActionController located at the specified index in the actioncontroller list. |
Declaration ActionController *GetActionControllerAt( unsigned short index ) Parameters
Return Value
On success return the ActionController; else return nil if the index is out of bounds.
GetActionControllerIndex | Return the index of an ActionController. |
Declaration int GetActionControllerIndex( const ActionController *actioncontroller ) Parameters
Return Value
If the actioncontroller provided exists in the Animation ActionController array its index will be returned; else -1 .
RemoveActionController | Remove a specific ActionController. |
Declaration bool RemoveActionController( ActionController *actioncontroller ) Parameters
Return Value
true on success; else return false if the ActionController reference was not found inside the actioncontroller list.
RemoveActionControllerAt | Remove an ActionController by index. |
Declaration bool RemoveActionControllerAt( int index ) Parameters
Return Value
true if the index provided was valid; else return false .
SwapActionControllers | Swap two existing actioncontrollers based on their index. |
Declaration bool SwapActionControllers( unsigned char index0, unsigned char index1 ) Parameters
index0 : The first actioncontroller index.
index1 : The second actioncontroller index.
Return Value
true if both actioncontrollers specificed are swapped; else return false if the indexes provided are either equal or out of bounds.
AddSequence | Create a new Sequence. |
Declaration Sequence *AddSequence( const char *name ) Parameters
name : Specify a name to identify the new sequence.
Return Value
A new Sequence.
GetSequence | Retrieve a specific Sequence by its name. |
Declaration Sequence *GetSequence( const char *name ) Parameters
name : The name of the sequence you want to retrieve.
Return Value
The Sequence pointer else nil .
GetSequenceAt | Get an existing Sequence located at the index position received in parameter. |
Declaration Sequence *GetSequenceAt( unsigned short index ) Parameters
index : Specify the index of the sequence you want to retrieve.
Return Value
A valid Sequence pointer; else nil .
GetSequenceIndex | Get the index of an existing Sequence. |
Declaration int GetSequenceIndex( const Sequence *sequence ) Parameters
sequence : A valide sequence pointer.
Return Value
The index of the Sequence provided in parameters if it exists; else return -1 .
SetSequenceIndex | Move an existing Sequence to a different position. |
Declaration bool SetSequenceIndex( Sequence *sequence, const unsigned char index ) Parameters
sequence : A valid sequence that is present in the list.
index : Specify the list index to place the sequence.
Return Value
true if the sequence have been moved successfully; else return false .
RemoveSequence | Remove an existing Sequence maintained by the current Animation. |
Declaration bool RemoveSequence( Sequence *sequence ) Parameters
sequence : The sequence to remove.
Return Value
true if the sequence received in parameter have been deleted; else return false .
RemoveSequenceAt | Remove a sequence using its index. |
Declaration bool RemoveSequenceAt( int index ) Parameters
index : The index of the sequence you wish to remove.
Return Value
true if the sequence have been removed successfully; else return false .
SwapSequences | Exchange the order of two sequences. |
Declaration bool SwapSequences( unsigned char index0, unsigned char index1 ) Parameters
index0 : The first sequence index.
index1 : The second sequence index.
Return Value
true if the exchange occur; else return false if both indexes are the same or if one or both are out of bounds.
ActionsUpdate | Manually update all the actions associated with the current Animation. |
Declaration void ActionsUpdate( void )
ActionControllersUpdate | Force all actioncontrollers to be updated. |
Declaration void ActionControllersUpdate( void )
SequencesUpdate | Tell the system to update all sequences contained in the Animation. |
Declaration void SequencesUpdate( void )