A particle emitter is the base of all Particles emission. It defines a point or a shape where Particles will be spawned. Particle emitters are attached to a ParticleNetwork which may contain multiple ParticleEmitter that are placed and configure in a way to achieve a specific type of effect.
A Particle emitters are using a combination of ParticleModifier which will dictate the behaviors of each Particles emitted. Particle modifiers act as a node that handles a specific function or behavior to apply to each particle. By adding and combining multiple ParticleModifier you will be able to quickly and easily creates very complex effects.
See Also
Name | Description |
particlenetwork | Parent ParticleNetwork reference where that active ParticleEmitter is attached. |
handler | Handle scripting functionalities and callback for the active ParticleEmitter. |
emission | Access the EmissionData properties for the active EmissionType of the ParticleEmitter. |
min | Min. coordinate of world space AABB of the ParticleEmitter. |
max | Max. coordinate of world space AABB of the ParticleEmitter. |
particlemodifier_count | Total amounf of ParticleModifier attached to the active ParticleEmitter. |
uid | Unique id to internally idendity the ParticleEmitter. |
particles | Reference to the Particles managed by the active ParticleEmitter. |
Name | Description |
fps | Controls the refresh rate of the ParticleEmitter. |
name | Unique name to identify the ParticleEmitter within its parent ParticleNetwork. |
local_matrix | Local transformation matrix relative to the pivot of the parent ParticleNetwork. |
state | Th active State of the current ParticleEmitter. |
flags | Bit mask that determine the active option(s) the ParticleEmitter is using. |
height | Toggle on/off the visible of the ParticleEmitter Particles. |
localize | Localize the ParticleEmitter Particles. |
volumetric | Specify wether or not the ParticleEmitter should emmit Particles in a volumetric way or along the edges of the emission shape. |
sync_time | Last time the ParticleEmitter was re-evaluated. |
Name | Description |
SetEmissionType | Specify the EmissionType of the active ParticleEmitter. |
SetEmissionWarmstart | Warmstart the ParticleEmitter. |
SetEmissionGeometry | Assign the Geometry to use for emission. |
SetEmissionSource | Controls the linear motor settings. |
SetEmissionGoal | Set the emission goal for a kWire EmissionType ParticleEmitter. |
SetEmissionTrack | Specify the Track to use for a specific axis of a kWire ParticleEmitter. |
SetParticleType | Set the ParticleType to use for the active ParticleEmitter. |
SetEmissionEntity | Specify the Entity that the ParticleEmitter will emit. |
AddParticleModifier | Create a new ParticleModifier. |
GetParticleModifier | Retrive an existing ParticleModifier by name. |
GetParticleModifierAt | Retrive an existing ParticleModifier using its internal index. |
GetParticleModifierIndex | Get the internal index of an existing ParticleModifier connected to the active ParticleEmitter. |
SetParticleModifierIndex | Modify the internal location of a specific ParticleModifier. |
RemoveParticleModifier | Remove an existing ParticleModifier. |
RemoveParticleModifierAt | Remove an existing ParticleModifier by index. |
SwapParticleModifiers | Exchange the location of two ParticleModifier. |
Play | Tell the ParticleEmitter to start emitting Particles. |
Pause | Pause the Particles emission. |
Stop | Stop emitting Particles. |
GetDuration | Retrieve the duration time of the active ParticleEmitter (for how long particles are emitted). |
Sort | Sort all existing ParticleModifier based on their location in the emission sequence. |
Identifiers that specify the type of emission a ParticleEmitter will be producing.
: Particles are emitted from a single point in space.kCylindrical
: Creates Particles that are contained within the boundary of a cylinder.kConical
: Emits ref Particles within a cone.kSectorial
: Particles are emitted within a sector shape (a non-closed cylinder).kCubical
: Creates Particles within a cube boundary.kSpherical
: Creates Particles around the radius of a sphere; or optionally a hemisphere.kShape
: Use the vertex information of a specific geometry to generate particles (non-volumetric).kWire
: Create particles along a tri-dimensional path in space.kSource
: Use another existing ParticleEmitter Particles information to generate particles.kMotion
: Use an existing Object (or an optional Bone) location to generate particles.EmissionData variables available when the EmissionType is set to kCylindrical
Name | Description |
radius | Base radius of the cylinder. |
height | Controls the height of the cylinder. |
centered | Controls whether the pivot point of the cylinder is located at the center of the shape or at the base. |
step | The step value to use to generate Particles around the cylindex. |
EmissionData variables available when the EmissionType is set to kConical
Name | Description |
radius | Base radius of the cone. |
height | Controls the height of the cone. |
EmissionData variables available when the EmissionType is set to kSectorial
Name | Description |
angle | The maximum angle of the sector. |
distance | The radius of the sector. |
height | The spanning area of the sector. |
EmissionData variables available when the EmissionType is set to kCubical
Name | Description |
size | Size of the cube for each axis. |
EmissionData variables available when the EmissionType is set to kSpherical
Name | Description |
hemi | Use half a sphere instead of a full sphere to generate Particles. |
radius | The radius of the sphere. |
EmissionData variables available when the EmissionType is set to kShape
Name | Description |
geometry | Reference to the Geometry to use for emission. |
Name | Description |
restore | Force the system to restore the Geometry vertices before emitting Particles. |
EmissionData variables available when the EmissionType is set to kWire
Name | Description |
curve_x | Reference to the Curve used on the X axis. |
curve_y | Reference to the Curve used on the Y axis. |
curve_z | Reference to the Curve used on the Z axis. |
Name | Description |
resolution | Amount of samples to generate along the wire. |
relative | If enabled the system will use the resolution value to compute the playback time of the curves. |
cycle_mode_x | Specify the CycleMode to use for the X axis Curve. |
cycle_mode_y | Specify the CycleMode to use for the Y ayis Curve. |
cycle_mode_z | Specify the CycleMode to use for the Z azis Curve. |
color_x | Color to identify the X axis Curve inside the Molecules Editor. |
color_y | Color to identify the Y ayis Curve inside the Molecules Editor. |
color_z | Color to identify the Z azis Curve inside the Molecules Editor. |
EmissionData variables available when the EmissionType is set to kSource
Name | Description |
particleemitter | Unique id of the ParticleEmitter to use as source. |
EmissionData variables available when the EmissionType is set to kMotion
Name | Description |
target | Unique id of the Object to use for motion Particles emission. |
target_bone | Set the index of the Bone to use for motion emission. |
A structure that contains the variables and properties available for each specific EmissionType. Take note that each specific reference to an emission structure will only be accessible if there's a type match. For example, if the type is set to kSource
the cylinder
properties of the EmissionData will return nil
Name | Description |
type | The active EmissionType used by the ParticleEmitter. |
warmstart | Active warmstart value. |
randomize | Determine if the warmstart should be randomized. |
cylinder | Reference to the properties of a CylindricalEmission. |
cone | Access the properties of a ConicalEmission. |
sector | Reference to the properties of a SectorialEmission. |
cube | Access the properties of a CubicalEmission. |
sphere | Reference to the properties of a SphericalEmission. |
shape | Access the properties of a ShapeEmission. |
wire | Reference to the properties of a WireEmission. |
source | Access the properties of a SourceEmission. |
motion | Reference to the properties of a MotionEmission. |
Callbacks | Description |
OnPlay | Called when the ParticleEmitter start playing and emitting Particles. |
OnPause | Triggered when the ParticleEmitter gets paused and stop generating particles. |
OnResume | Event triggered when the ParticleEmitter was paused and the play function is called resuming the emission. |
OnStop | The emitter is stop function have been triggered all particles are removed. |
OnCreate | Triggered when one or more Particles have been created. |
OnDestroy | One or more particles have been destroyed or have finished their life cycle. |
OnContact | Event trigger upon physics collision if one or more particles are in contact with their physics World. |
OnUpdate | Trigger when the ParticleEmitter gets updated. |
To help you get started right away with Particles rendering; the Shader and Material Script below is the base that allows you to draw Particles.
function OnDraw()
Gfx:Enable(Graphics.EnableCap.kBlend); -- Enable Alpha Blending.
Gfx:BlendEquation(Graphics.BlendFunction.kAdd ); -- Toggle Additive Blending.
Gfx:BlendFunc(Graphics.BlendingFactorSrc.kSrcAlpha, -- Combine the alpha value.
Gfx:Disable(Graphics.EnableCap.kDepthMask); -- Do not write to the depth buffer.
Gfx:DepthFunc(Graphics.StencilFunction.kLequal); -- Less or equal
Gfx:Disable(Graphics.EnableCap.kCullFace); -- Draw double-sided (sprite only).
function OnDisplay()
Gfx:Disable(Graphics.EnableCap.kBlend); -- Disable blending.
Gfx:Enable(Graphics.EnableCap.kDepthMask); -- Enable depth write.
Gfx:Enable(Graphics.EnableCap.kCullFace); -- Enable cull face.
//#define POINT_SPRITE // Uncomment if you are using kPointSprite
attribute vec2 TEXCOORD0;
attribute vec3 POSITION;
attribute vec4 COLOR0;
attribute float POINTSIZE;
uniform mat4 gfx_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 gfx_ModelViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 gfx_ProjectionMatrix;
uniform vec4 gfx_Viewport;
varying vec2 texcoord0;
varying vec4 color0;
void main(void) {
texcoord0 = TEXCOORD0;
color0 = COLOR0;
#ifdef POINT_SPRITE // kPointSprite
vec4 eyePos = gfx_ModelviewMatrix * vec4( POSITION, 1.0 );
vec4 projCorner = gfx_ProjectionMatrix * vec4( POINTSIZE * 0.5,
eyePos.w );
gl_PointSize = gfx_Viewport.z * projCorner.x / projCorner.w;
gl_Position = gfx_ProjectionMatrix * vec4( eyePos );
#else // kSprite, kTrail
gl_Position = gfx_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4( POSITION, 1.0 );
//#define POINT_SPRITE // Uncomment if you are using kPointSprite
uniform sampler2D SAMPLER0;
varying mediump vec2 texcoord0;
varying lowp vec4 color0;
void main(void) {
#ifdef POINT_SPRITE // kPointSprite
gl_FragColor = texture2D( SAMPLER0, gl_PointCoord ) * color0;
#else // kSprite, kTrail
gl_FragColor = texture2D( SAMPLER0, texcoord0 ) * color0;