Name | Description |
GridNew | Create a new Widget of the type Grid. |
Declaration Return Value
Reference of the Grid component attached to the new Widget.
ButtonNew | Create new Widget of the type Button. |
Declaration Button *ButtonNew( ButtonType type ) Parameters
type : pecify the type of panel to create by setting its ButtonType.
Return Value
Reference of the Button component attached to the new Widget.
LabelNew | Create a new Widget of the type Label. |
Declaration Return Value
Reference of the Label component attached to the new Widget.
LayoutNew | Create new Widget of the type Layout. |
Declaration Layout *LayoutNew( void ) Return Value
Reference of the Layout component attached to the new Widget.
PanelNew | Create a new Widget of the type Panel. |
Declaration Panel *PanelNew( PanelType type ) Parameters
type : Specify the type of panel to create by setting its PanelType.
Return Value
Reference of the Panel component attached to the new Widget.
PictureNew | Create new Widget of the type Picture. |
Declaration Picture *PictureNew( void ) Return Value
Reference of the Picture component attached to the new Widget.
ScrollerNew | Create a new Widget of the type Scroller. |
Declaration Scroller *ScrollerNew( ScrollerType type ) Parameters
type : Specify the type of scroller to create by setting its ScrollerType.
Return Value
Reference of the Scroller component attached to the new Widget.
SplitterNew | Create new Widget of the type Splitter. |
Declaration Splitter *SplitterNew( SplitterType type ) Parameters
type : Specify the type of splitter to create by setting its SplitterType.
Return Value
Reference of the Splitter component attached to the new Widget.
TextBoxNew | Create a new Widget of the type TextBox. |
Declaration TextBox *TextBoxNew( TextBoxType type ) Parameters
type : Specify the type of textbox to create by setting its TextBoxType.
Return Value
Reference of the TextBox component attached to the new Widget.
TextAreaNew | Create new Widget of the type TextArea. |
Declaration TextArea *TextAreaNew( void ) Return Value
Reference of the TextArea component attached to the new Widget.
AreaNew | Create a new Widget of the type kArea . |
Declaration Return Value
Reference to the new empty kArea Widget.
UserNew | Create a new blank Widget without no component of the type kUser . |
Declaration Return Value
Reference of the new Widget.
- Note
- This type of Widget can simply be used as a container or can be extended by the user to create a new type of Widget. By manually creating a new type of Widget you are free to implement its properties and behaviors.
BaseNew | Helper that creates a Widget of the type kBase . |
Declaration Return Value
Reference of the new Widget of the type kBase .
- Note
- A
kBase Widget is usually used to identify by type the root of a complex GUI that contains many other Widget. Take in example the editors of the IDE, each of their root is Widget of the type kBase .
WidgetNew | Function to manually create a new custom Widget based on the user parameters. |
Declaration Widget *WidgetNew( const char *name, WidgetType type, unsigned char sub_type ) Parameters
name : The name of the Widget.
type : Specify the WidgetType to for the new Widget.
sub_type : Base on the type of Widget you want to create a sub type might be available; refer to the appropriate component help page to learn about their possible sub type.
Return Value
Reference of the newly created Widget.
TextBufferNew | Create a new TextBuffer to be used by TextArea. |
Declaration TextBuffer *TextBufferNew( bool read_only, bool history ) Parameters
read_only : Specify if the TextBuffer should be read-only.
history : Determine if an history should be kept allowing the user to undo/redo.
Return Value
Reference to the newly created TextBuffer.
TextBufferDelete | Delete an existing TextBuffer. |
Declaration TextBuffer *TextBufferDelete( TextBuffer *textbuffer ) Parameters
Return Value
nil if removed successfully; return its reference if it is still connected to other resources and cannot be deleted.
DispatchSignal | Manually force a Signal to be dispatched. |
Declaration bool DispatchSignal( Widget *widget, Signal signal ) Parameters
widget : Reference to the Widget to send the signal to.
signal : The type of Signal that should be sent to the Widget.
Return Value
true if the Signal have been dispatched and the Widget was able to respond to it; else return false .
KeyPress | Manually send a key press signal. |
Declaration void KeyPress( unsigned char ascii ) Parameters
ascii : The ASCII value of the event.
KeyRelease | Manually send a key release signal. |
Declaration void KeyRelease( unsigned char ascii ) Parameters
ascii : The ASCII value of the event.
SpecialPress | Manually send a press of a special key such as Shift or F1 etc... |
Declaration void SpecialPress( KeyCode special ) Parameters
special : Value of the KeyCode to send to the signal.
SpecialRelease | Manually send a release of a special key such as Shift or F1 etc... |
Declaration void SpecialRelease( KeyCode special ) Parameters
special : Value of the KeyCode to send to the signal.
MousePress | Manually send a mouse press signal. |
Declaration void MousePress( MouseButton mouse_button, int x, int y ) Parameters
mouse_button : Specify the MouseButton that is pressed.
xy : The coordinate of the pointing device in window space.
MouseRelease | Manually send a release of a pointing device release signal. |
Declaration void MouseRelease( MouseButton mouse_button, int x, int y ) Parameters
mouse_button : Specify the MouseButton that is released.
xy : The coordinate where the pointing device was released.
MousePress | Manually send a mouse press signal. |
Declaration void MousePress( MouseButton mouse_button, int x, int y ) Parameters
mouse_button : Specify the MouseButton that is pressed.
xy : The coordinate of the pointing device in window space.
MouseMove | Manually send a mouse move signal from the pointing device. |
Declaration void MouseMove( MouseButton mouse_button, int x, int y ) Parameters
mouse_button : Specify the MouseButton that is pressed.
xy : The coordinate of the pointing device was released.
SetFocus | Focus a specific Widget. |
Declaration void SetFocus( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to Widget to focus.
GetWidget | Retrieve a Widget reference by name. |
Declaration Widget *GetWidget( const char *name ) Parameters
name : The name of the Widget to retrieve.
Return Value
nil if no Widget matches the name received in parameter; else return the reference to the Widget.
GetWidgetAt | Function that retrieves a Widget based on its index. |
Declaration Widget *GetWidgetAt( unsigned int index ) Parameters
index : Index of the Widget to retrieve.
Return Value
nil if the index provided is invalid; else return the Widget reference.
GetWidgetIndex | Retrieve the internal index of a Widget reference. |
Declaration int GetWidgetIndex( const Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Valid reference to an existing Widget.
Return Value
-1 if the reference provided to the function is invalid; else return the Widget index.
GetTextBuffer | Retrieve a TextBuffer reference using its name as key. |
Declaration TextBuffer *GetTextBuffer( const char *name ) Parameters
Return Value
nil if no TextBuffer name matches the one received in parameter by the function; else return the TextBuffer reference.
Update | Force a manual update of the GUI. |
Redraw | Force a full redraw of the GUI. |
Declaration - Warning
- Calling this function will stall the drawing pipeline; use it with care.
DispatchSignals | Function that allows you to enable or disable dispatching all signals. |
Declaration void DispatchSignals( bool enabled ) Parameters
enabled : Enable or disable dispatching signals.
CancelSignals | Cancel a specific signal next time it happen. |
Declaration void CancelSignals( Signal signal ) Parameters
signal : Specify the Signal to skip.
AddTrigger | Create a Trigger that will call an event after a specific amount of time. |
Declaration void AddTrigger( Widget *widget, Signal signal, const char *L_callback, unsigned int timeout, bool recursive ) Parameters
widget : The Widget reference involved with the Trigger.
signal : Specify the Signal that should be dispatched.
L_callback : The scripting command to call (most likely a function).
timeout : Amount of delay in milliseconds before executing the Trigger.
recursive : Determine wether or not the Trigger is recursive.
Name | Description |
type | The current Signal type. |
mouse | Coordinate of the pointing device when the Signal occur. |
mouse_delta | Mouse delta at the time of the Signal. |
resize_delta | Amount of pixel the GUI window have been resized. |
mouse_button | The MouseButton currently pressed. |
ascii | Current ASCII pressed or released. |
special | Bit mask of KeyCode currently pressed or released. |
widget | Reference to the Widget currently handling the Signal. |
selected | Current Widget under the pointing device which can receive event and can eventually be focused. |
focused | Reference to the active focused Widget. |
trigger | Reference to the active Trigger that call the Signal. |
delta_time | Amount of time elapsed since the last event sync. |
click_time | Last time a mouse button have been pressed. |
gui_time | Active GUI time. |
click_time | Last time the GUI update. |