Take note that all functions listed below are available to call using the global object Theme
. In addition, this module is only available within the editor and cannot be called in the client or in a published project.
Name | Description |
ButtonNew | Create a new themed button. |
Declaration Button *ButtonNew( const char *s, Icon *icon, Widget *parent )
s : Specify the text of the button.
icon : Icon to use on the left side of the button.
parent : Specify the parent Widget the Button should be attached to.
Return Value
Reference to the newly created Button Widget.
CheckBoxNew | Create a new themed checkbox. |
Declaration Button *CheckBoxNew( const char *s, int value, Widget *parent )
s : Specify the label located on the right side of the checkbox.
value : Specify the value that should be toggled on/off based on the checkbox state.
parent : Parent Widget the checkbox should be attached to.
Return Value
Reference to the newly created Button Widget.
ColorBarNew | Creates a color bar that allows you to display and pick color. |
Declaration Picture *ColorBarNew( Widget *parent )
parent : Specify the parent Widget the Button should be attached to.
Return Value
Reference to the newly created Picture widget that will act as a color bar.
CurveBarNew | Creates curve bar allowing you to visualize and edit a specific Curve. |
Declaration Widget *CurveBarNew( Widget *parent, Curve *curve, const char *curve_code, bool normalize )
s : Specify the label located on the right side of the checkbox.
value : Specify the value that should be toggled on/off based on the checkbox state.
parent : Parent Widget the checkbox should be attached to.
Return Value
Reference to the newly created Button Widget.
DialogNew | Create a new blank dialog. |
Declaration Widget *DialogNew( const char *title, const ivec2 size, Icon *icon )
title : Title to use at the top left of the dialog.
size : Width and height of the dialog in pixel.
icon : Icon to use near the dialog's title text.
Return Value
Reference of the root Widget of the dialog.
DialogLabelNew | Create a new Label that fit the look and feel of a dialog center area. |
Declaration Label *DialogLabelNew( unsigned int units, const char *s, Widget *parent )
units : Force the Label to be a certain unit size preventing it to be resized.
s : The Label string.
parent : Parent Widget where the new Label should be attached to.
Return Value
Reference to the new Label.
- Note
1 Unit = ThemeUtilsGetWidgetSize()
GridNew | Create a table attached to a Panel where widgets can be placed into each cell. |
Declaration Grid *GridNew( const char *s, Panel *parent )
s : Title of the Grid.
parent : Reference to an existing Panel Widget where to attach the Grid to.
Return Value
Reference to the new Grid.
GroupNew | Create a another type of table that regroup multiple Widget together. |
Declaration Grid *GroupNew( Grid *grid )
grid : Reference to the Grid the group should be attached to.
Return Value
Reference to a Grid Widget.
| Create a horizontal header (also used as footer). |
LabelNew | Create a new Label to display static text. |
Declaration Label *LabelNew( const char *s, Icon *icon, Widget *parent )
s : Text to display.
icon : An optional icon.
parent : Specify to wich Widget the Label should be attached to.
Return Value
Reference to the new Label.
ListNew | Create a list view generally used to create popup, menu, drop down list etc... |
Declaration Panel *ListNew( Widget *hanger, unsigned char type, unsigned char horizontal, unsigned char vertical, unsigned short priority, PanelType scroll_type )
hanger : Specify the Widget reference where the list should be hanging from.
type : Determine the direction of the list.
horizontal : Specify the horizontal alignment of the list.
vertical : Specify the vertical alignment relative to the hanger.
priority : Specify the z-depth drawing priority of the list (the higher the top most).
scroll_type : Specify the PanelType which defines the scrolling direction of the list.
List Type
m : Menu
l : List
p : Popup
o : Outline
Horizontal Alignment
l : Left
r : Right
c : Center
a : Aligned
Vertical Alignment
h : Hanger Aligned
p : Hanger Parent Down
d : Hanger Down
u : Hanger Up
Return Value
Reference to the new Panel.
ListItemNew | Create a new list item bar. |
Declaration Button *ListItemNew( const char *s, Icon *icon, int value, Widget *parent )
s : Specify the test of the list item.
icon : An optional icon.
value : Value of the item on the list.
parent : Reference to the parent list the item should be inserted.
Return Value
Reference to the new Button Widget that will be use as list item.
| Create a new menu bar. |
| Create a new menu item. |
PanelNew | Create a new panel to either list item vertically or horizontally. |
Declaration Panel *PanelNew( Widget *parent )
parent : Determine where to place the new Panel.
Return Value
Reference to a new Panel.
- Note
- Optionally an indicator can be placed which will highligth when elements contained in the Panel or out of the view.
PictureNew | Create a new Picture to place an Icon. |
Declaration Picture *PictureNew( Icon *icon, Widget *parent )
Return Value
Reference to a new Picture Widget.
PictureButtonNew | Create a simple Button with a Picture at the center. |
Declaration Button *PictureButtonNew( Icon *icon, Widget *parent )
Return Value
Reference to a new Button Widget.
RadioButtonNew | Create a new radio Button. |
Declaration Button *RadioButtonNew( const char *s, unsigned char group, Widget *parent )
s : The text to use for the Label located on the right side of the radio button.
group : Specify the radio button group number.
parent : Specify the parent of the new Button.
Return Value
Reference to a newly created radio Button.
ScrollerNew | Create a new Scroller (aka. slider) control. |
Declaration Scroller *ScrollerNew( const char *format, unsigned int max_char, const vec2 range, Widget *parent )
format : The string format to apply to the Scroller text input.
max_char : Determine the maximum amount of characters that the input can take.
range : Specify the lowest and highest value of the Scroller.
parent : Specify the parent Widget of the Scroller.
Return Value
Reference to a Scroller freshly created.
SeparatorNew | Create a simple separator; a delimitation that can be placed in between two sections etc... |
Declaration Widget *SeparatorNew( ScrollerType type, Widget *parent )
type : Specify the direction of the delimiter.
parent : Specify the parent Widget where the separator should be placed.
Return Value
Reference the separator Widget.
SlotBoxNew | Create a new slot box which is a retractable grid that can be use as a Widget container. |
Declaration Grid *SlotBoxNew( const char *s, Icon *icon, Grid *grid )
s : Title of the slot box.
icon : The Icon to use with the slotbox.
grid : The parent Grid where the slotbox should be placed.
Return Value
Reference to the new slot box Grid.
SpinnerNew | Special type of textbox that is designed to handle numbers. |
Declaration TextBox *SpinnerNew( const char *format, unsigned int max_char, const vec2 range, Widget *parent )
format : Specify the formatting to use for the number that the spinner will handle.
max_char : Maximum number of character input.
range : Specify the lowest and highest value of the spinner.
parent : Specify the parent Widget where the spinner should be placed.
Return Value
Reference to the new spinner TextBox.
SplitterNew | Create a local delimitation that can be resized by the user dy dragging the middle handle. |
Declaration Splitter *SplitterNew( const quad bounds, SplitterType type, bool invert, Widget *parent )
bounds : Size of the splitter area.
type : The SplitterType to use to delimitate the cells.
invert : Invert the dominant cell from left to right or up to down. parent : Parent Widget where the Splitter should be placed.
Return Value
Reference to the new slot box Grid.
- Note
- If the total area occupied by the Splitter is too small the cell that is designated as the main areas will retract automatically.
StickyNew | Create a new sticky; usually used to display help hint for a control. |
Declaration Grid *StickyNew( Widget *hanger, int level, const vec2 offset, ScrollerType alignment )
hanger : Specify the Widget that the sticky should be following.
level : How many parent Widget down the sticky should be aligned with.
offset : Specify an offset size in pixel.
alignment : Specify the ScrollerType which represent the way the sticky will follow its hanger.
Return Value
Reference to the Grid of the new sticky.
TextAreaNew | Create a text area that can handle long Stream of text. |
Declaration TextArea *TextAreaNew( Widget *parent )
Return Value
Reference to the newly created TextArea.
TextBoxNew | Create a themed TextBox. |
Declaration TextBox *TextBoxNew( const char *s, unsigned int max_char, Icon *icon_left, Icon *icon_right, Widget *parent )
s : String to use as the default TextBox value.
max_char : Maximum number of characters allowed in the TextBox.
icon_left : Reference to the Icon to use on the left side of the TextBox (nil if none).
icon_right : Reference to the Icon to use on the right side of the TextBox (nil if none).
parent : Specify the parent Widget where the TextBox should be placed.
Return Value
Reference to the new TextBox Widget.
ToolButtonNew | Create a new tool Button; which is a simple Button with an icon that act as a switch (pressed/un-pressed). |
Declaration Button *ToolButtonNew( Icon *icon, Widget *parent )
icon : The Icon to use for the toolbutton.
parent : Parent Widget where the Button is attached.
Return Value
Reference to the newly created Button.
TreeBoxNew | Create a new treebox (either single or a folder) entry part of a treeview architecture. |
Declaration Grid *TreeBoxNew( const char *s, Icon *icon, Widget *parent, bool is_item )
s : Title to use for the new treebox.
icon : Reference to an existing Icon used to identify the content of the box.
parent : Specify
icon_right : Reference to the Icon to use on the right side of the TextBox (nil if none).
parent : Specify the parent Widget of the treebox (basically a treeview).
is_item : Specify if the treebox is a single item or a root/folder.
Return Value
Reference to the new Grid that will act as a treebox.
TreeViewNew | Create a new treebox which provide functionalities to maintain a hierarchy of multiple levels. |
Declaration Panel *TreeViewNew( Widget *parent )
parent : Specify the parent where the treeview should be located.
Return Value
Reference to the new Panel that will consists of the treeview.
ScrollerFormat | Helper function clamp and format a value based on a Scroller settings. |
Declaration float ScrollerFormat( Scroller *scroller, float value ) Parameters
scroller : Reference to a valid Scroller.
value : The value to test against the Scroller format and range.
Return Value
The formatted value.
SpinnerFormat | Helper function clamp and format a value based on a spinner settings. |
Declaration float SpinnerFormat( TextBox *textbox, float value ) Parameters
textbox : Reference to a valid TextBox used as a spinner.
value : The value to test against the spinner format and range.
Return Value
The formatted value.
PanelAddIndicator | Add an indicator to an existing Panel allowing you to visualize if some content is out of the Panel bounds. |
Declaration void PanelAddIndicator( Panel *panel ) Parameters
panel : Reference to a valid Panel.
TreeBoxAlign | Function that recursively align all parent of a Grid that is used as treebox. |
Declaration void TreeBoxAlign( Grid *grid ) Parameters
grid : Reference to a valid Grid used as a treebox.
TreeBoxSetAsSingle | Set a specific treebox to be a leaf of the tree. |
Declaration void TreeBoxSetAsSingle( Grid *grid, const ivec2 spacing ) Parameters
grid : Reference to a Grid that is used as a treebox.
spacing : Desired amount of spacing to use to keep the leaf aligned with the rest of the tree.
TreeViewSelection | Function that recursively search for a specific sub-string starting from an specific treebox. |
Declaration void TreeViewSelection( Widget *root, const char *mark ) Parameters
root : Root treebox to start the search.
mark : The string to search and mark as selection.
UtilsAlignAll | Helper that recursively align all parent of a Widget. |
Declaration void UtilsAlignAll( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to a valid Widget.
- Note
- Only parents that can be aligned such a Grid or Panel will be processed by the function.
GetIcon | Retrieve an existing Icon using its name as key. |
Declaration Icon *GetIcon( const char *name ) Parameters
name : Name of the Icon to retrieve.
Available Icons
GetPanelBase | Recursively search the parents of a widget until a Panel is found. |
Declaration Widget *GetPanelBase( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to a valid Widget.
Return Value
nil if no Panel can be found; else return the Widget reference.
GetGridBase | Recursively search the parents of a widget until a Grid is found. |
Declaration Widget *GetGridBase( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to a valid Widget.
Return Value
nil if no Grid can be found; else return the Widget reference.
GetBase | Recursively search the parents until a Widget of the type kBase is found. |
Declaration Widget *GetBase( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to a valid Widget.
Return Value
nil if no Widget of the type kBase can be found; else return the Widget reference.
GetUserBase | Recursively search the parents until a Widget of the type kUser is found. |
Declaration Widget *GetUserBase( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to a valid Widget.
Return Value
nil if no Widget of the type kUser can be found; else return the Widget reference.
GetSplitterBase | Recursively search the parents of a widget until a Splitter is found. |
Declaration Widget *GetSplitterBase( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to a valid Widget.
Return Value
nil if no Splitter can be found; else return the Widget reference.
GetAreaBase | Recursively search the parents of a widget until a Widget of the type kArea is found. |
Declaration Widget *GetAreaBase( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to a valid Widget.
Return Value
nil if no kArea Widget can be found; else return the Widget reference.
GetContent | Recursively try to find the content Widget of a dialog. |
Declaration Widget *GetContent( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to a valid Widget.
Return Value
nil if no Widget content have been found; else return the Widget reference.
GetHanger | Retrieve the hanger reference of the active Widget. |
Declaration Widget *GetHanger( void ) Return Value
nil if the Widget does not have any hanger property; else return the Widget reference that is used as hanger.
GetRootHanger | Recursively try to find the hanger of the active Widget. |
Declaration Widget *GetRootHanger( void ) Return Value
nil if no hanger can be found; else return the hanger Widget reference.
GetDefaultWidgetHeight | Helper that returns the default height of a Widget based on the current Font used by the IDE. |
Declaration int GetDefaultWidgetHeight( void ) Return Value
The default height used by Widget in pixels.
GetWidgetSize | Function to retrieve the size in pixels for a specific number of units. |
Declaration int GetWidgetSize( unsigned char unit ) Parameters
unit : Specify the number of unit(s).
Return Value
The size in pixels for the number of units received in parameter.
AdjustPriority | Automatically adjust the priority of a Widget based on its parent(s) or hanger. |
Declaration unsigned short AdjustPriority( Widget *widget ) Parameters
widget : Reference to the Widget to adjust.
Return Value
Return the priority that have been assigned to the Widget.
ImageLoad | Utility function that load an image from disk and store the texels into a Texmap. |
Declaration bool ImageLoad( const char *filename, Texmap *texmap ) Parameters
filename : Path of the image to load.
texmap : Reference to the Texmap that should be used to store that data.
Return Value
true on success; else return false if either the file cannot be found or if the format is not supported.
- Note
- The supported image format are:
.jpeg , .png , .bmp , .psd , .gif , .hdr , .ext , .pic , .pgm , .pnm and .ies .
GenerateSignedDistanceFields | Generate signed distance fields for the active texel data. |
Declaration bool GenerateSignedDistanceFields( const float normal_factor ) Parameters
normal_factor : Normalized value from the range of 0 to 1 representing the normal distance factor to use. As a rule of thumb a value around 0.1 gives good overall results.
Return Value
true on success; false if one of the failure case listed below occurs.
- No texel array is available (
byte_array is equal to nil ).
- The
byte size if greater than 4 , or of the type multisamples.
- The
depth of the Texmap is greater than 1 (3D texture of 2D array textures are not supported).
- The Texmap data contains 16 bits values (
f16bits ).
- The Texmap data are converted to floating points (
fFloat ).
DialogClose | Manually close an existing dialog. |
Declaration bool DialogClose( Widget *dialog ) Parameters
dialog : Reference to an existing dialog Widget.
Return Value
true on success; else return false if either the reference is nil or if it is not a dialog.
A structure that contains the information about a specific icon located in the IDE icon atlas.