
Access and control various aspects and functionalities available within the integrated development environment context. All properties and functions listed below are accessible at all time using the global Ide object. In addition, this module is only available within the editor and cannot be called by the client context or in a published project.

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
timeline Access the TimeLine properties to manage how the playback settings.
scanconfig Access the ScanConfig that determine how remote devices are detected.
selection Available properties based on the current Selection.
layout_count Total amount of workspace layouts available.
proxy_settings Access the ProxySettings configuration to setup an HTTP proxy for authentication and updates.
preset_count Current amount of Material Preset available.
layerpreset_count Total amount of LayerPreset accessible.


Name Description
profile Bit mask of dialog warnings that are toggled on or off.
prev_scene Unique id of the previous Scene loaded.
prev_group Previous ObjectGroup active.
prev_object Unique id of the previous Object selected.
prev_bone Index of the previous Bone selected.
prev_shard Index of the previous Shader selected.
prev_material Unique id of the last Material selected.
prev_physicmaterial Unique id of the last PhysicMaterial selected.
prev_animation Unique id of the last Animation selected.
prev_action Unique id of the last Action selected.
startup Path of the project to load at startup.
skip_version Last version update that have been skipped.
certificate Active NRGaccount certification used for technical support and special services.


Name Description
Resize Manually resize the Ide window (desktop version only).
AddLayout Add a new Layout to the active workspace.
RemoveLayout Remove an existing Layout workspace by index.
GetLayout Retrieve an existing workspace Layout by index.
ClearLayouts Clear all workspace Layout.
SetLayout Manually focus a specific workspace Layout.
SplitLayout Split a workspace Layout.
AddTab Add a new editor tab to a workspace layout cell.
Info Pop up an info. dialog.
Confirm Create a confirmation dialog.
FileExplorer Open up the File Explorer.
FileExplorerGetSelection Return the active file explorer select as a string.
ColorPicker Open the Color Picker dialog.
CurvePicker Open up the Curve Picker dialog.
ColorRamp Pop up the Color Ramp dialog usually associated to a color band Texture.
ColorCurves Create a new Color Curves dialog.
OpenURL Open a browser and load a specific URL.
EncodeETC2 Compress an existing Texture using ETC2.
EncodeASTC Compress an exsiting Texture using the ASTC format.
EncodeDXT Compress an exsiting Texture using the DXT (ST3C) format.
AddFileSync Add a source file (either Texture, Script or Shader) to synchronize with a specific Asset.
RemoveFileSync Remove file synchronization for a specific Asset using its unique id as key.
ClearFileSync Remove all Asset that are currently monitor by file sync.
RegisterPackUtility Register the Utility where the OnPack function is defined; allowing you to create custom packing rules and exclusion pattern.
AddPreset Create a new material import Preset.
GetPreset Return an existing Preset identified by the name parameter.
RenamePreset Rename an existing Preset.
RemovePreset Remove an existing Preset from the list.
GetPresetIndex Return the internal index of an existing Preset.
RemovePreset Remove all existing Preset.
AddLayerPreset Create a new render LayerPreset to use when importing objects.
GetLayerPreset Retrieve an existing LayerPreset using its index as key.
GetLayerPresetIndex Return the internal index of an existing LayerPreset reference.
RemoveLayerPreset Remove a specific LayerPreset from the list.
ClearLayerPresets Clear all existing LayerPreset.
AddTooltip Add a custom tooltip to a specific widget. The tooltip will be displayed when the widget is hovered.
CompressorEncodeETC2 Compress an existing Texture to the ETC2 format.
CompressorEncodeASTC Compress a Texture using the ASTC compression scheme.
CompressorEncodeDXT Use DXT compression to compress a specific Texture.


Provides an access to the reference of a material preset used by the COLLADA content pipeline. Presets are used to associated Material names to automatically link Shader and Script at import time.


Name Description
shader Unique ID of the Shader to connect to the active Preset.
script Unique ID of an existing Script to connect with the active Preset.
identifier Substring that have to be present in the material name at import time to trigger the Preset.

Static Variables

Name Description
name Unique name assigned to the active Preset.


Name Description
SetSampler Assign to a specific Sampler slot the type of Asset or search pattern to apply.


Provides the ability at import time to assign automatically existing Material Object primitive placed on a specific RenderLayer. This mechanism avoid you to manually have to link Material to primitives manually for each newly imported Object.


Name Description
renderlayer_cap The RenderLayer cap to use as a trigger to process the LayerPreset.
material The unique ID of an existing Material to assign to the primitive associated to the preset identifier.
primitive Substring that have to be present in the primitive to apply the LayerPreset.


Access to the global Server variable allowing you to broadcast to all devices currently connected and more.

Static Variables

Name Description
client_count Amount if clients currently connected to the server.


Name Description
Broadcast Broadcast commands to all connected clients.
HaveClients Helper function that determine wether or not clients are connected to the server.
GetClientIP Helper to retrieve the IP address of a specific client.


A structure that controls the settings and properties used by the TimeLine editor.


Name Description
start_time Specify the application start time.
end_time Determine the range of the playback by specifying the end time.
fps Control the application frame rate.
selection Only playback the Animation of the current selection.
physics Determine wether or not physics should be updated during playback.
media Force to playback the thread handling audio and video decompression.
sync Synchronize the playback delta time with the editor instead of using a static framerate.


Access the configuration access by the Device Menu to scan for NRGviewer connected to your current network.


Name Description
ip_start Base IP address digit to start scanning.
ip_end Specify the last digit IP that should stop the scanning process.
timeout Control the maximum amount of time the IP scanner should wait for a response from the client.


HTTP Proxy configuration and settings allowing you to bypass the current network for user certificate authentication and software updates. Take note that theses settings does not affect your ScanConfig setup.


Name Description
address The IP address of the HTTP proxy server.
port The port number of the HTTP proxy server.


Structure that contains information about the current selection and resources that are currently in edit mode.

Static Variables

Name Description
min Bottom left of the Object selection AABB.
max Top right of the Object selection AABB.
pivot Pivot point of the current Object selection.
manipulators_matrix Active transformation matrix used by the manipulators.


Name Description
active_scene Active Scene currently in edit mode.
active_animation Current Animation selected for editing.
active_bone Reference to the current active Bone selected.
active_object Reference to the current active Object selected.
active_action Active Action currently marked for editing.
active_shard Reference to the active Shard currently beeing edited.
active_group Active ObjectGroup currently activated.

NRG - API 2022.4.384543 - Fri Nov 4 2022
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