
Subsystem managing the Asset of your project. While developing the library is maintained within a local directory; at publishing time this directory will be packed and compressed (and optionally encrypted) to a .npk that is ready for redistribution.

The programming interface below allows you to directly manage your project library, adding and removing Asset and directories as well as external files etc...

See Also

Static Variables

Name Description
read_only Boolean value that determine if the library is open as read-only.
bookmark_count Total amount of bookmarks.
externalfile_count Current number of external files.
excludedfolder_count Number of excluded folder for publishing.


Name Description
revision Current revision number of the library. This number increase each time a new Asset is created or removed.
use_nadb Determine if the library should be building an Asset database to speed up the loading operations or simply populate the entries by reading files from disk.
precompile Force the library to precompile Asset files.
async_time Amount of time (in milliseconds) allowed per frame to load asset(s) asynchronously.


Name Description
Clean Manually force a library clean up wich will causes Asset that does not have any links to be unloaded from memory.
Fix Force the library to be rebuilt and fix Asset path.
AddAsset Add a new Asset to the active library architecture.
GetAsset Retrieve an Asset reference using its name and AssetType.
GetAssetAt Return an Asset usings its index and AssetType as key.
GetAssetCount Helper that return the available amount of Asset for an AssetType.
GetAssetIndex Retrieve the internal index of a specific Asset reference.
GetAssetIndexByType Retrieve the Asset index in its AssetType list.
RemoveAsset Remove an existing Asset from the library.
RenameDir Rename a library directory and update the paths of all Asset contain in it.
RemoveDir Remove an existing directory.
GetScene Retrieve an existing Scene from the library.
GetTexture Retrieve an existing Texture from the library.
GetCubemap Retrieve an existing Cubemap from the library.
GetMaterial Retrieve an existing Material from the library.
GetPhysicMaterial Retrieve an existing PhysicMaterial from the library.
GetSoundBuffer Retrieve an existing SoundBuffer from the library.
GetVideoBuffer Retrieve an existing VideoBuffer from the library.
GetMesh Retrieve an existing Mesh from the library.
GetSkeleton Retrieve an existing Skeleton from the library.
GetScript Retrieve an existing Script from the library.
GetUtility Retrieve an existing Utility from the library.
GetShader Retrieve an existing Shader from the library.
GetTrack Retrieve an existing Track from the library.
GetEntity Retrieve an existing Entity from the library.
GetFracture Retrieve an existing Fracture from the library.
GetParticleNetwork Retrieve an existing ParticleNetwork from the library.
GetPath Retrieve an existing Path from the library.
GetAudioEffect Retrieve an existing AudioEffect from the library.
GetAudioFilter Retrieve an existing AudioFilter from the library.
GetArmature Retrieve an existing Armature from the library.
GetController Retrieve an existing Controller from the library.
Save Save all Asset marked as dirty.
AddBookmark Add a bookmark to the library.
GetBookmark Retrieve an existing bookmark by index.
RemoveBookmark Remove an existing bookmark by index.
AddExternalFile Add an external file to the project.
PublishExternalFile Specify if an external file should be published or not with the project.
RemoveExternalFile Remove an external file by index.
ExcludeFolder Exlude a folder from beeing published/packed on a specific platform.
RemoveExcludeFolder Remove excluded folder by index.
ExcludeFolderEnabled Set the inclusion or exclusion state of a specific folder.
LibGetUsage Retrieve approximated size of the project on disk.

NRG - API 2022.4.384543 - Fri Nov 4 2022
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