Ability | Defines a of action (ie walk, crawl or jump) that can be performed during navigation and pathfinding. |
Action | A single action connected to an Animation. |
ActionClip | A node attached to an ActionLayer that allows you to control motions or the current machine state of that same layer. |
ActionController | Structure allowing you to connect Controller to an Object or a Scene. |
ActionLayer | Manage multiple machine state for a specific working set of ActionClip. It is usually used to separate/categorize the state of a specific type (such as UpperBody , LowerBody , LeftArm , RightArm etc...) defined within a Controller. |
AdaptiveMesh | AdaptiveMeshes have pre-defined LODs generated procedurally; each LOD contains the necessary information to adjust the mesh topology either based on the number of pixels on displayed screen or by setting a triangle ratio. |
AnchorConstraint | Point to point constraint for SoftBody. |
AngularJointConstraint | SoftBody constraint that controls its angular motion |
Animation | Base structure that allows you to manipulate Action. |
Application | Module containing I/O functionalities, events definition as well as other enumerations globally used by the core. |
Armature | Specify a mask to exclude or include on bones and joints while playing an Action. |
Asset | The base structure for all global resources. |
AudioEffect | Asset used to simulate acoustic and psychoacoustic effects found in the real worlk by modulating presetted frequencies of the final audio output. |
AudioFilter | Asset capabale to attenuates various sound frequencies. |
AudioPreset | Allows you to snapshot the current settings and parameters of a working set of sounds, effect or sounds and effects. Once saved the preset can be restored or interpolated. |
BallConstraint | Point to point constraint attached to a RigidBody. |
Bone | Structure used by SkeletalMesh to interact with its associated Skeleton limbs. |
Camera | Base data structure that handle drawing either in 2d or 3d as well as on screen or off screen via a frame buffer. |
Channel | Structure that manage the state, settings and various properties of an active Curve. |
ClipGroup | Consolidate multiple ActionClip into a single group. |
Collider | An invisible shape attached to a PhysicObject that will be used during physics simulation. |
CollisionLayer | A place holder to consolidate multiple physic objects. |
ColorBand | Gradient like Texture where each color key can be set along a band. |
ColorVector | Type of Texture that uses Curve to control each color component. |
Comment | Rectangular bounds that allows you consolidate multiple nodes. |
Connection | Allow agents to jump from one point to another on a navigation Map. |
Constraint | Transformation constraint applied on the matrix of an Object. |
Controller | Allow you to create machine states to transition between existing Skeleton Action. |
Cubemap | Six separate square textures to represent the reflections on an object from its environment. |
Curve | Generic structure to store Keyframe data and playback settings. |
Distribution | Generic interface to spread numbers. |
DynamicMesh | Type of mesh that have a dynamic topology that changes at runtime. |
EnergyField | Generic attractors for Object and Particles. |
Entity | An Asset that creates a prefab Object. |
FixedConstraint | Act as a single, static attachment point RigidConstraint. |
Font | Additional data attached to a Texture to handle bitmap based fonts. |
Fracture | An asset that defines how a Mesh should break. |
FracturedMesh | Special type of Mesh Object that can be destroyed. |
FrameBuffer | Redirect render results directly to a Texture. |
GenericConstraint | All-in-one rigid body constraint. |
Geometry | Foundation of all Mesh; allowing you to manipulate primitives and vertex data. |
Graphics | Generic constants and enumerants used by the graphics APIs. |
Handler | Manage the scripting threads associated to a resource. |
HingeConstraint | Rigid Body physics constraint allowing you to simulate hinges such as the one found on door and windows. |
LightSource | Type of Object that handles common light settings. |
LinearJointConstraint | Constraint a SoftBody linear movements. |
LvmThread | Provides a stand-alone environment to run a Script asset. |
Map | Structure that specify the walkable areas acessible for a specific agent. |
Material | Define the substance to apply on triangles in order to draw them on screen. |
Mesh | Storage for vertex data. |
MorphTarget | Interface that allows you to deform/combine Mesh at runtime. |
Navigation | Base module that enables navigation and pathfinding operations for a Scene. |
NodeBlock | Single node entry that allows you to form a NodeTree. |
NodeGroup | Structure to classify multiple NodeBlock. |
NodeList | Manage a list of options used by a NodeValue. |
NodeTree | Architecture of NodeBlock used for visual coding. |
Object | Basic entity that can represents cameras, static geometries, dynamic geometries, skeletal meshes, sounds, lights, occluders, 3d texts or a particle systems. |
ObjectGrid | Partition an ObjectGroup into ObjectCell. |
ObjectGroup | Structure that allows you to consolidate multiple Object into one group. |
ObjectCell | Representation of a single cell in a ObjectGrid. |
Obstacle | Dynamic navigation obstacle that can affect one or multiple Map. |
Occluder | An invisible Mesh that is used to run occlusion queries on GPU. |
ParticleData | Particle data types definition. |
ParticleEmitter | Emit particles at a specific point on within a shape. |
ParticleModifier | Building block to implement particles behaviors. |
ParticleNetwork | A reusable Asset that defines how Particles attached to a ParticleSystem behave. |
Particles | Access active particles properties and data arrays. |
ParticleSystem | A type of Object that allows you to launch particles in space using an existing ParticleNetwork Asset. |
Path | A re-usable Asset that consists of a tri-dimensional curve made of controls points. |
PhysicMaterial | Asset that controls the surface properties of a PhysicObject. |
PhysicObject | Component to add physics to an Object. |
PinConstraint | Type of SoftConstraint that allows you to pin a specific node in space restricting its movement. |
Pose | Interface allowing you to manipulate the active pose(s) of a SkeletalMesh. |
Probe | Render a Scene from a different point of view and store the result in a Texture or Cubemap. |
Profiler | List of all Profiler mode available. |
Ray | A type of Object that allows you to raycast a Scene, a Map or a physic World. |
Region | Shape in space that detects when an Object enter, leave or overlap its bounds. |
RenderLayer | Structure that defines a render pass. |
RigidBody | Component that allows your PhysicObject to respond to rigid body physics. |
RigidConstraint | Base structure that maintains the properties of a specific RigidConstraintType. |
Route | Type of Object that are use to place an existing Path in space; or to dynamically compute one (Map). |
Sampler | Handles the various visual settings and parameters of a Texture Asset. |
Scene | A single level where you can place objects to create your worlds. |
Script | Asset used to store user code and logic. |
Sensor | Act as a radar detecting the neighbors of an Object. |
Sequence | A sequence is an Animation component that allows you to create cinematic-like cutscenes at runtime. |
Shader | Asset used to write GPU shader code. |
Shard | Access the properties of a destructed fragment of a FracturedMesh |
SkeletalMesh | Type of Object that allows realtime deformation driven by a Skeleton. |
Skeleton | Hierarchy of joints allowing you drive the various actions of a SkeletalMesh. |
SliderConstraint | Type of RigidConstraint that allows rigid bodies to slide along a wire. |
Socket | API that allows TCP/IP and UDP communication to create customized server/client protocols. |
SoftBody | Component that allows a DynamicMesh to respond to soft body physics. |
SoftConstraint | Base structure that maintains the properties of a specific SoftConstraintType. |
Sound | Access settings and configuration structure as well as definition used by the Sound FX subsystem (Sfx). |
SoundBuffer | Re-usable Asset that provides static or streamed binary audio data to SoundSource. |
SoundGroup | Creates a virtual folder to store multiple SoundSource Object. |
SoundSource | Object component to emit sounds. |
StaticMesh | Base class optimized to handle static Mesh with or without muliple level of details. |
Stream | Provide an interface to interact with text and binary streams. |
Strip | Single piece of an Animation Sequence that based on its underlying StripGroupType will dictate its behaviors. |
StripFolder | Allows you to manage the StripGroup and StripSection of your Sequence. |
StripGroup | Re-group a serie of Strip that share similar behavior based on the StripGroupType of the group. |
StripSection | Provide a mechanism to group multiple Strip in a section that can be manipulated independently. |
Texmap | Interface allowing you to access, tweak and modify ray texel data associated to an existing Texture Asset. |
Text | Type of Object that allows you to render either 2D or 3D text; statically or dynamically. |
Texture | Asset that provides a interface to texture between the core and the GPU. |
Track | Re-usable Curve Asset. |
Transition | Component that allow your machine state to jump from one state to another based on condition or set of conditions. |
TwistConstraint | RigidConstraint that preserve the PhysicObject within the bounds of a cone. |
Utility | Asset that allows you to create utilities to use within the editor sand box. |
Variable | Control the settings and value of a Variable. |
Video | Texture component that allows video playback. |
VideoBuffer | This type of Asset contain video stream data that can be used in conjunction with a Video component to provides real-time Video playback. |
World | Controls the various settings and properties of the physics world. |
Zone | Interface allowing you to create areas on an existing Map that requires Ability to traverse. |